Senator Bob CaseyTài khoản được xác nhận


Official twitter profile for U.S. Senator Bob Casey.

Scranton, PA
Đã tham gia tháng 7 năm 2010
Sinh ngày 13 tháng 4


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  1. Tweet đã ghim

    Mr. Mueller’s lifetime of service reflects his commitment to serving the American people with honor, integrity and courage.

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  2. Pennsylvania has lost two dedicated public servants this week, Representatives O’Brien and Kavulich. My thoughts are with their families

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  3. In honor of I commit to continue being an ally in the fight for equality and commend the bravery of all individuals who have come out as LGBTQ.

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  4. Disability Employment Month highlights great work by people with disabilities and the need for more employment. My bill, the Disability Employment Incentive Act, helps businesses hire and make workplaces accessible.

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  5. New numbers show positive growth in employment for people with disabilities: 3% increase in the number of working over last year.

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  6. I, along with my staff, will continue to advocate for measures that will provide them the protections they are due under our laws.

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  7. Over many months, I have advocated on the family’s behalf with top officials in the Administration. I have also met with Carmela’s children and spoken directly with her.

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  8. Carmela Apolonio Hernandez and her children face life-threatening danger in their home country, which is why I have pushed the Administration to treat them fairly and appropriately evaluate their asylum claim.

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  9. I commend those who spoke out across Pennsylvania yesterday to oppose attempts to privatize the postal service.

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  10. I commend the work of Josh Shapiro. This bill is an important step in supporting victims of sexual assault and I urge the to pass this measure.

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  11. Protecting people with pre-existing conditions is an important part of the Judge Kavanaugh debate. Here’s some wisdom from Jackson from Hanover, PA on that topic.

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  12. đã Tweet lại

    As worked on legislation to help prevent sexual assaults on college campuses, he "heard story after story of anguish and horror, revealing how pervasive and insidious sexual violence is in our culture."

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  13. President Trump’s mocking of Dr. Ford is offensive. Dr. Ford bravely came forward to recount being sexually assaulted. She deserves to be heard and respected, not mocked.

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  14. I believe Dr. Christine Blasey Ford when she says she was the victim of sexual assault. I believe the other victims of sexual abuse and assault who have contacted me and my office in recent days. I hear you; I believe you; I am listening to you.

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  15. The demand for talent in fields continues to grow. With a new school year in full swing, I’m pleased to see the program continues today in New Oxford with more on the way in Harrisburg. They’re helping teachers develop 21st-century skills in their students.

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  16. This Administration continues to fail migrant children by carrying out cruel policies that will do long-term damage to them, their families and our nation.

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  17. The Administration should allow the FBI to do their job without political interference so they can follow the facts wherever they lead.

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  18. For those of you who may be suffering from this trauma, I urge you to reach out to: ’s National Sexual Assault Hotline: 800-656-4673 The PCAR: The Pennsylvania Office of the Victim Advocate:

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  19. Since yesterday’s testimony, many of my constituents have come forward to share their experiences with sexual violence.

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  20. I believe Dr. Christine Blasey Ford. It is appalling that the White House and Senate Republicans would move forward with this nomination without an FBI investigation into these allegations. As I have said before, I will vote against his nomination.

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  21. Dr. Ford is credible and persuasive. She is also unbelievably brave. Until I heard her talking about what she experienced, I didn’t fully appreciate the terror she felt in that moment, the horror of the physical assault and the psychological trauma of believing she might die.

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