Mark DeSaulnierCompte verificat


Honored to represent California's 11th Congressional District. Member of:

Concord, CA
Unit: gener de 2015


Has blocat @RepDeSaulnier

Estàs segur que vols veure aquests tuits? Això no desblocarà @RepDeSaulnier.

  1. fa 2 hores

    Tune in live at 6:30 on channel 4.

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  2. fa 3 hores

    Getting ready to join to discuss protecting transgender rights from the Trump Administration’s attempted rollback.

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  3. fa 7 hores

    Californians, today is the last day to register to vote in the on November 6th! Don't sit this one out, get registered, and make your voice heard at the ballot box.

  4. ha retuitat
    fa 7 hores

    Asked about 's insistence he will enact a 10% middle class tax cut before the election, : “He’s lying. He’s not capable of doing it. You need to have both Houses of Congress to enact a tax cut. He's just doing what he does best -- he’s lying.”

  5. 21 d’oct.

    We are looking forward to our 74th town hall and mobile district office hour in Richmond on Tuesday, October 23rd. During the we will discuss what is happening in Washington, and I will take your questions. We hope you will join us! RSVP here:

  6. 21 d’oct.

    I have been fighting back in Congress, and will be registering my thoughts with Administration to immediately halt this reckless plan. If you wish to register your opinion with the EPA, please do by October 26th here:

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  7. 21 d’oct.

    The Trump Administration is ignoring the threat of , and charging ahead with its plan to harm public health and exacerbate the impacts of air pollution.

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  8. 20 d’oct.

    Republicans will stop at nothing to sabotage our health care system. If given the chance, Republican Leadership will take us back to a time when insurance companies could discriminate against people with .

  9. ha retuitat
    19 d’oct.

    Under the , the cost of prescription drugs keeps going up while seniors & working families are feeling the squeeze. A Democratic Congress will work to lower Rx drug prices & health care costs for all Americans.

  10. 16 d’oct.

    The American government should be in the business of keeping families together. Donald Trump’s family separation policy has damaged our reputation as a nation of immigrants.

  11. 16 d’oct.

    It is 3 weeks until the election! Register today, and make sure you have a plan to on November 6th.

  12. 16 d’oct.

    The exploded the national deficit to $779 billion—the highest since 2012. To pay for this massive giveaway to the wealthy & large corporations, Trump & GOP Leadership are making plans to gut programs like Medicare, Medicaid & Social Security.

  13. 16 d’oct.
  14. ha retuitat
    16 d’oct.

    When Jodi’s son was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes, her family did everything they could to keep up with the rising cost of prescription drugs needed to save his life. are fighting to lower drug costs for families like Jodi’s across the country.

  15. 14 d’oct.

    Congratulations to Carondelet High on the groundbreaking of the Jean Hofmann STEM Innovation Center. This center will encourage girls to explore fields drastically underrepresented by women & inspire the next generation of female scientists, coders, engineers, and mathematicians.

  16. 13 d’oct.

    We cannot wait for a tragedy to prompt us to take action to address gaps in aviation safety and ensure that staffing shortages are addressed. I spoke with with to discuss the shortage of air traffic controllers in the Bay Area and around the country.

  17. 13 d’oct.

    Before open enrollment begins for 2019, Donald Trump has already announced plans to actively sabotage Affordable Care Act registration.

  18. 12 d’oct.

    Months after the Trump Administration was ordered to reunite separated families, it continues to callously handle the unification process.

  19. 12 d’oct.

    During National Disability Employment Awareness Month we toured the Military Ocean Terminal site in Concord with North Bay Industries to discuss how the site is helping empower people with disabilities through employment opportunities.

  20. 12 d’oct.

    I'm proud to receive a 100% on the Congressional Voting Record. I look forward to continuing our work to make America more equal & fair by fighting for women’s economic security, equal access to education & civil rights.


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