Jeff FlakeTài khoản được xác nhận


Senator from Arizona

Mesa, AZ
Đã tham gia tháng 8 năm 2008


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  1. Hoàn tác
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  4. Hoàn tác
  5. The President has it precisely backward. The free press is not the enemy of the people. Despotism is the enemy of the people. The free press is the despot's enemy.

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  6. Hoàn tác
  7. Secretary Mnuchin should not be going to Riyadh.

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  8. I will speak about tomorrow’s hearing on the Senate Floor at 1:15pm

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  9. One of life’s great days

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  10. Your sources are not accurate. I will not be voting "present"

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  12. This is sickening. No one should make light of this situation.

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  13. When Dr. Ford came forward, I said that her voice should be heard and asked the Judiciary Committee to delay its vote on Judge Kavanaugh. It did so. I now implore Dr. Ford to accept the invitation for Monday, in a public or private setting. The committee should hear her voice.

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  14. Speaking on the senate floor momentarily on the importance of AG Jeff Sessions holding his job and continuing to assert independence when the President asks him to protect his friends and go after his enemies

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  15. Remembering those who lost their lives on 9/11, and those who have given their all to keep us safe ever since.

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  16. So happy to have Senator Kyl back in familiar surroundings.

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  17. Governor Ducey has selected Senator Jon Kyl as Senator McCain’s replacement. What an excellent choice! There is no one more qualified and Arizona is well served. Kudos to Senator Kyl for his willingness to serve once again.

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  18. This is not the conduct of a President committed to defending and upholding the constitution, but rather a President looking to use the Department of Justice to settle political scores.

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  19. I watched them lay my friend to rest today. I will miss him.

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