Elijah E. CummingsOvěřený účet


U.S. Representative from Maryland's 7th District, dedicated to serving and empowering the people I’m sworn to represent. RT's and Follows are not endorsements.

Baltimore, MD
Připojil se srpen 2012


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  1. Připnutý tweet
    19. 6.

    We all should be able to agree that in the United States of America, we will not intentionally separate children from their parents. We will not do that. We are better than that! We are so much better!

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    . on soon! Tune in!

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  3. Retweetnuto uživatelem
    před 21 hodinami

    It’s official! Our Board Room has been dedicated to !

  4. “You are on the front line of making people’s lives better.”

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  5. “Organizations like Healthcare Access Maryland are so important to get the word out. To give people opportunities....what you do here is give people hope.”

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  6. “Healthcare should not be a privilege. Healthcare is a right.”

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  7. I am very honored to here at the dedication of ’s board room in my name.

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  8. Retweetnuto uživatelem
    před 22 hodinami

    “We must carry on!l says of the Jacques Initiative Journey Center. Grand opening. Changing the destiny of people’s lives

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    “I’m so proud of what you are doing here at the Journey Center. You have brought life to life.” -

  10. “The same person whose hand you held today, the same one whose tears your dried, who you helped into medical treatment...That may be the same person who saves your life at some point.”

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  11. “That is how we are effective: figure out what people need, allow them to dialogue with you, and allow them to be in a space that is safe and stigma free. Then they can emerge.”

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  12. “Here at the Journey Center what we have been able to do is realize that our diversity is not our problem, it is our promise.”

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  13. “Come here and we will help you. You do not have to feel ashamed. You will be empowered.”

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  14. I am honored to be at the grand opening of The Jacques Initiative Journey Center.

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  15. Retweetnuto uživatelem
    16. 10.

    . : It’s time for the President to make good on his campaign promise and support efforts to allow the government to negotiate directly with drug companies.

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  16. Retweetnuto uživatelem
    16. 10.

    . : Meanwhile, PhRMA isn’t even willing to take the most basic step toward transparency. The industry’s proposal should come with its own warning label: WILL DO NOTHING TO LOWER DRUG PRICES.

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  17. Retweetnuto uživatelem
    16. 10.

    .⁦⁦⁩ : I’m all for greater transparency, but the American people already know they are paying way too much for prescription drugs.

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  18. 12. 10.

    TPS recipients in Baltimore and throughout the U.S. call this country home, and their families would be torn apart if they are forced to leave. Last week, a federal court halted the Trump Administration’s cruel decisions to end TPS for many. Now it is up to Congress to .

  19. 11. 10.

    Since the Supreme Court gutted the Voting Rights Act in 2013, many states have renewed efforts to block people from voting. Voter suppression strikes at the soul of our democracy. We must fight back and we must protect the right to vote.

  20. Retweetnuto uživatelem
    10. 10.

    Under , there were 96 price hikes for every price cut. should keep his campaign promise and allow the government to negotiate directly with drug companies to lower prices.

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  21. Retweetnuto uživatelem
    10. 10.

    .: Removing gag orders on pharmacists is a small step I support, but it won't lower drug prices.

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