T&I CommitteeVerifizierter Account


Transportation & Infrastructure Committee: Aviation, Maritime, Highway, Transit, Railroad, Pipeline, Hazmat, Water Resource

Washington, D.C.
Beigetreten April 2009


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  1. in 1927, construction began on the George Washington Bridge. Nine men casually posing atop, circa 1930.

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  2. 18. Okt.

    This article demonstrates the life-and property-saving value of predisaster mitigation. The Disaster Recovery Reform Act, signed into law Oct. 5 as PL 115-254, will help make communities more resilient by focusing more of our resources on mitigation.

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  3. hat retweetet
    18. Okt.

    Don’t forget the lottery for tickets to the National Christmas Tree Lighting opens today at 10 a.m. To enter the lottery visit

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  4. hat retweetet
    17. Okt.

    I am pleased President Trump signed my bipartisan bill, the Surface Transportation Board Information Security Improvement Act, into law. This bill was a simple, straightforward measure that solves a serious problem.

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  5. 16. Okt.

    in 1943, 's new subway system was officially opened . (Photo staged using actors prior to opening)

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  6. hat retweetet
    15. Okt.

    Without power after ? Know how to use a portable safely. Use generators only outside, in a dry area, & at least 20 ft. from windows, doors, & vents to prevent carbon monoxide (CO) poisoning. Learn more:

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  7. 11. Okt.

    in 1811, the Juliana, the first steam-powered ferryboat, began operation between & Hoboken, NJ.

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  8. 10. Okt.

    📢📢 BreakingNews: The Senate has passed the Water Resources Development Act by a vote of 99 to 1. The bill now goes to the President for his signature. This marks the 3rd bill passed by Congress under 's chairmanship. 🌊🌊🌊

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  9. hat retweetet
    10. Okt.

    intensified as the storm made landfall near Mexico Beach, Florida, at around 1:30 p.m. ET. 's satellite captured this view of the Cat. 4 hurricane moving ashore. Latest updates from :

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  10. 10. Okt.

    We have updated our hurricane preparedness page with up-to-date information on :

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  11. 10. Okt.

    Twitter: Here's a breakdown of today's news - continues to draw closer to the Florida panhandle. If you are in its track, now is the time to prepare - visit . At 11:30am, the Senate will vote to pass WRDA 2018.

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  12. hat retweetet
    10. Okt.

    As Hurricane nears land, take shelter & stay safe. 📱Follow weather updates on your phone or radio. 🔹 In a tornado WARNING, go to an interior, windowless room. 🔹 If water comes in, go to the highest floor that’s not flooded but do NOT enter a closed attic.

    A graphic titled Surviving Catastrophic Flooding. It depicts a cross section of a home and points out that people should not attempt to travel in flooded areas or go in the attic to escape flood waters. It urged people to move to a higher floor with windows and bring phone and supplies, and get on the roof as a last resort and call 9-1-1.
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  13. hat retweetet
    9. Okt.

    Flooding from Hurricane will affect several states. Finish preparations ASAP and get ready to shelter in a safe location. Make sure you’re getting weather alerts for your area and stay off the roads once rain and winds start.

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  14. hat retweetet
    9. Okt.

    ⚠️ If you're told to evacuate for Hurricane , leave NOW. ⚠️ Today is the last day to travel before storm conditions start. Storm surge is deadly, take it seriously. Follow & visit .

    Hurricane Evacuation tips graphic. When and Where to go: Leave immediately when told to evacuate by local officials. Check with your local emergency management office for infor on evacuation routes. What to do: Check with neighbors who may need a ride. Take your pets with you. Bring essential supplies like water, food, and medications.
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  15. hat retweetet
    9. Okt.

    Water levels will rise before Hurricane makes landfall. If your area is under a storm surge warning, finish your prep today and leave immediately if told to do so—it can be a matter of life or death. Follow your local officials and for warning info.

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  16. 9. Okt.

    in 1888 the public was admitted to the Washington Monument for the first time

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  17. hat retweetet
    8. Okt.

    ⚠️If you're told to evacuate for Hurricane , don't delay. Leave as soon as possible. Listen to and local officials for the latest on evacuation orders. Check your route before leaving, figure out a few places you can go & make sure to take your pets.

    Graphic provides hurricane evacuation tips, including where and when to go (heed local officials' directions), and what to do (check on neighbors, take pets with you, bring essential supplies).
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  18. hat retweetet
    8. Okt.

    Make sure to follow your local office or sign up for weather alerts on your phone 📲 to stay safe:

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  19. 5. Okt.

    Photos from today’s bill signing at the White House.

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  20. hat retweetet
    5. Okt.

    Great news→ The blueprint for a safer, more modern aviation system is now law of the land. This bipartisan legislation will also help communities both prepare for and deal with natural disasters, and provides resources for Hurricane Florence recovery efforts.

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