Rep. Cheri Bustos已認證帳戶


Serving Illinois' 17th District. Wife & mother of 3 sons. Athlete. Former reporter. Fighting as Co-Chair of DPCC. Facebook & Instagram: RepCheri.

Illinois & Washington, D.C.


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  1. 釘選的推文

    This morning, I told that if Democrats are successful in November, I will run for Assistant Democratic Leader with a focus on protecting a new Democratic majority beyond 2020. You can watch the clip here:

  2. 9 小時前

    I had a great time at our Grant Resource Fair meeting with some amazing non-profits and State agencies in our region. I‘m always here to help you strengthen our community, so please feel free to reach out to our office if there is anything we can do to help!

  3. 10月17日

    How will we pay for & after the debt explosion? Mitch McConnell wants to “adjust those programs to the demographics of America in the future.” That’s Washington-speak for GUTTING programs hardworking Americans ALREADY PAID FOR!

  4. 10月17日

    Tomorrow we’re hosting our workshop for local non-profits & government agencies to provide them with the tools needed to cut through the red tape while applying for a grant. If you’re interested in learning more, it’s not too late to join us!

  5. 已轉推

    . is coming after Medicare & Social Security after their tax cuts for millionaires & big corporations blew a massive hole in our debt & deficits. Democrats are & committed to protecting the benefits Americans work a lifetime to earn.

  6. 10月17日

    Yup, Mitch McConnell is openly talking about cutting Social Security and Medicare. The long-game of the has always been about doing this and now they have moved on to

  7. 10月16日

    I’m really disappointed by how well this tweet aged - but after exploding the deficit to $779 billion (17% increase!) to give tax breaks to billionaires, now Mitch McConnell is openly talking about slashing Social Security and Medicare. This has always been a

  8. 10月16日

    Now that the GOP passed their which handed billions to their mega donors and ballooned the deficit, they are going after YOUR and . It’s time for the government to work again.

  9. 10月15日

    This is the real cost of the Washington Republicans tax giveaway to billionaires. They’re putting Social Security and Medicare at risk while sticking our next generation with this bill.

  10. 10月15日

    Helping folks cut through red tape is one of my favorite things to do in Congress. That’s why on October 18th we’re hosting a workshop for non-profits & government agencies to provide the resources needed to secure grants.

  11. 10月13日

    I had another great Supermarket Saturday stop at Aldi in Silvis. Folks are excited to get out and vote in November!

  12. 10月13日

    I’m teaming up with State for our Grants Resource Fair! Join us on October 18th if you’re a non-profit or government agency looking to learn more about the grant process. Check out what tools are available to you and RSVP here:

  13. 10月12日

    Congratulations Seth and Liz, she’s beautiful!

  14. 10月12日

    Don’t miss out on our workshop to learn how to navigate the grant process on October 18th! Government agencies and non-profits are invited to join us for an overview of how to prepare and apply for a federal or state grant. Save your spot today 👇

  15. 10月12日

    As a former reporter, I am outraged by the disappearance and apparent murder of . should be calling the Saudis out, pushing for a substantive investigation and demanding accountability.

  16. 10月12日

    Every one of our family farmers puts food on the plates of 165 Americans a year! Make sure you take a moment on to .

  17. 已轉推

    Democrats are fighting . , , and lay out our plan to reduce health care costs and prescription drug prices, increase wages by rebuilding America, and clean up corruption in Washington ⬇️

  18. 已轉推

    “Democrats believe America is strongest with a health care system that prioritizes people — not one that taxes and takes advantage of patients.” MUST READ Op-Ed this morning by , , and . 👉

  19. 已轉推
  20. 已轉推

    "It’s time to get America back on track. It's time to come together to lower your health care costs, increase your pay and make Washington work for you." - in a op-ed with colleagues and . Read 👇

  21. 10月11日

    . are fighting every day. You can read the op-ed I wrote with and in about how we're going to lower health care costs, raise wages and crack down on corruption here 👇



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