House Foreign Affairs Committee DemocratsOvěřený účet


Eliot L. Engel (), Ranking Member House Committee on Foreign Affairs, U.S. House of Representatives.

Washington, DC
Připojil se červenec 2009


  1. Zobrazit toto vlákno
  2. Zobrazit toto vlákno
  3. Zobrazit toto vlákno
  4. Zobrazit toto vlákno
  5. HFAC hearing on the Rohingya starting now. Live stream is up here:

  6. NEW: Ranking Member blasts the ’s decision to slash the number of admitted to the United States. Read his statement here:

  7. Zobrazit toto vlákno
  8. RM : Today, I thanked Ivan Velasquez for his continued brave efforts at the helm of in

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