Senator Ron JohnsonTài khoản được xác nhận


Chairman of the Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee & the Subcommittee on Europe & Regional Security Cooperation. Tweets from Ron are signed–rj

Oshkosh, WI
Đã tham gia tháng 1 năm 2011

Phương tiện

  1. A Disaster Recovery Center will open tomorrow through Monday in Crawford County to help homeowners, renters and businesses who were affected by those severe storms in August/Sept. Before attending, register for federal assistance here:

  2. Thanks for all the great questions from students High School. Enjoyed visiting your school!

  3. Great to visit Eau Claire and Marshfield areas with events at and .

  4. Honored to get the 's Spirit of Enterprise Award while at the 's Lawmaker Luncheon. Proud to support business and workers, the heart of the American dream!

  5. Staff will be in Outagamie, Iowa and Richland counties tomorrow for our Mobile Office Hours. Stop by if you need help with a federal agency.

  6. Live on Facebook now with on

  7. My heart is with all those attending this vigil tonight at a Milwaukee area synagogue. We are all appalled by the senseless slaughter of innocent worshippers at Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh. It is an act of pure evil. The unity here tonight is what America is about.

  8. Thanks and Racine Area Manufacturers and Commerce for the great Q&A today. Thanks for hosting.

  9. Thank you, Lafayette County for hosting our mobile office today at the library in Darlington. Many more mobile office hours this week.

  10. Go ! We all celebrated the tasty 12 win prediction yesterday. Now, it's time for 2 more. You got this!

  11. What a great state we call home! The prediction of 12 straight wins for comes true and we all celebrate with free burgers!Now for 2 more wins! Thanks West Bend for giving me time on the grill!

  12. Morning or night, the stands ready to protect our nation. Thank you!

  13. Good luck to the as they take on the in Game 1 of the tonight in Milwaukee. Go Brewers!

  14. Happy National Farmers Day! Thank you to all the farmers across the nation that feed our families and keep our economy running!

  15. Short-term limited duration health plans are not "junk.” They give options to consumers facing skyrocketing premiums or an unexpected gap in coverage. Close to a million people used them during the Obama years. Today's vote is a win for freedom & choice.

  16. Thank goodness the vote forced by Democrats on short-term limited duration health insurance did not succeed. Overturning this rule is a vote against affordable health insurance, and a vote against personal freedom and choice.

  17. TODAY staff will be holding mobile office hours to assist constituents with federal agencies. If you need help and are around Fall Creek or Greenwood, please stop by!

  18. TOMORROW staff will be in Fall Creek and Greenwood for mobile office hours. If you need help with a federal agency, be sure to stop by!

  19. TODAY staff will be at the Stockholm Village Hall to help constituents navigate issues with federal agencies. Let us know how we can help you!

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