Ileana Ros-LehtinenAkun terverifikasi


Blessed to rep beautiful South Florida and the wonderful folks who live here!

Miami, Florida
Bergabung April 2008
Lahir 15 Juli


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  1. Gracias Juan Manuel Cao p entrevistarme ! Ha sido un honor representar a nuestra diversa comunidad del Sur d la Florida todos estos años en el Congreso. En lo que me queda en seguiré luchando p los pueblos oprimidos en nuestro hemisferio!

  2. Sigue la represión en contra del pueblo cubano. Los títeres del régimen llevan más de 48 horas monitoreando a las . El pueblo cubano merece libertad sin condiciones ahora!

  3. Statement from Congresswoman Ros-Lehtinen’s spokesman, Communications Director Reimy Benitez:

  4. 20 Okt

    It's game day in as our Panthers take on the Rice Owls . Proud to root for my alma mater !

  5. 19 Okt

    Joined w/ in sending letter urging + to expedite trade negotiations w/ South American partners, especially . Trade relations w/ friendly nations strengthen US standing at home + abroad

  6. 19 Okt

    This let's take a moment to honor the contributions of role models, leaders + advocates who have helped advance and helped shape into what it is today.

  7. 19 Okt

    Were YOU brave today? Cause Killian, our granddaughter, was very bwave, as she put it. Five shots at the doctor and she didn’t even cry.

  8. 19 Okt

    Today we said farewell to Bernardo & Karen, two wonderful interns serving our community in my office. Bernardo is off to to pursue a degree in & Karen continues with in the nation’s capital! Thanks 2 u both for your extraordinary work!

  9. 19 Okt

    Walk with for a world free from on Saturday, October 27th at 9am at . Register here:

  10. 18 Okt

    Me anima q la Admin posiblemente tome accion contra regimen de y por seguir ayudando a en destrucción de democracia, estado d derecho, y respeto a n . y regimenes tienen q entender q habrán consecuencias p apoyar represión

  11. 18 Okt

    Seis meses despues d q el pueblo d salio a las calles a demandar el retorno d la democracia y libertad, reportes sacan a la luz las tácticas inimaginables que el regimen y sus matones usaron para silenciar a las voces de los nicargüenses que exigen la salida de

  12. 18 Okt

    Thx to for presenting a flag flown over on my behalf 61st Anniversary Gala honoring Senator Lauren Book & Kiwanis Leadership Biscayne Bay campus!

  13. 18 Okt

    with the Queen of Salsa, la Reina de la Salsa, . Celia would have been 93 this Sunday. A musical icon who made music known beyond its borders. In her honor and in her memory we say, Azúcar!

  14. 18 Okt

    En valoramos la libertad de expresion como un derecho humano. Al parecer los secuaces d y en la piensan q están en la isla donde callan y reprimen a quienes se les oponga. será libre cuando los sinvergüenzas del régimen salgan del poder

  15. 18 Okt

    On this , let’s stand together with & allies to show our unwavering support for youth. Today & every day we must strive to build tolerance & end bullying. Every person regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity deserves respect.

  16. 18 Okt

    Attention : looking for a job or know someone who is? This Friday, October 19th, come by the at the on 2121 NW 21st St from 8:00am to 1:00pm. People with highly encouraged to apply, and don’t forget to bring plenty of resumes!

  17. 18 Okt

    Kudos to for release of 60th Anniv. Edition of JFK’s “A Nation of Immigrants” celebrating the many meaningful contributions of immigrants to our shared identity as a nation.

  18. 17 Okt

    Great to see so many familiar faces & talking about the issues important to the many who live & work in our diverse community!

  19. 17 Okt

    Join Meg Daly and friends of on Saturday, October 20th at 10am for a talk and tour of Brickell Backyard! will benefit greatly from this 10 mile linear park that will connect residents of through safe & alternative methods of transportation

  20. 17 Okt

    . + I sent letter to asking him to ensure that gender equality and women + girls' empowerment are prioritized in 's Transformation process. Giving women equal opportunities is beneficial to all


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