Rep. Marcia L. FudgeПотврђен налог


I work on behalf of the people of the 11th District to create jobs, promote quality education, improve access to health care and protect civil rights for all.

Cleveland / Akron, OH
Придружио/ла се јун 2010.


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  1. 18. окт

    The NEOSTREAM 2018 Conference begins next week! Bring the entire family to Community Day on October 27 for a fun and engaging day focused on Science, Technology, Recreation, Engineering, Arts and Math. For more information, visit my website at .

  2. 17. окт

    Today I joined more than 150 House Democrats in signing a letter to Sec. DeVos calling on the release of information about the DOE's handling of the Public Service Loan Forgiveness program because our public servants deserve better.

  3. 16. окт

    Did you know women and children worldwide suffer the most serious effects of hunger and malnutrition? Today, I fight to bring awareness and action for those who suffer from hunger and for the need to ensure food security and nutritious diets for all.

  4. 14. окт

    Mark Norris joins an overwhelmingly white, male, young, and extremely conservative group with a track record of oppressive ideologies. Exercising your right to vote matters now more than ever.

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  5. 14. окт

    Norris sponsored a resolution prohibiting the removal of Confederate monuments from parks and public spaces in Tennessee, undermining the very foundation of American values. His record shows he cannot be trusted to make fair and just decisions.

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  6. 14. окт

    Last week, Senate Republicans confirmed Mark Norris as a U.S. District Judge for the Western District of Tennessee. Norris has an appalling record of opposing equal rights, including supporting Tennessee’s 2012 strict voter ID requirements.

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  7. 13. окт

    Erecting barriers that specifically disenfranchise voters who use a P. O. Box rather than a street address is not protecting the right to vote. Native Americans deserve the right to vote regardless of their address type.

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  8. 13. окт

    The DOJ has failed to protect since the day Jeff Sessions walked in the door, reversing decisions on key cases including on Ohio’s voter purge law.

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  9. 13. окт

    Republican Senators showed once again that they don’t really care about Civil Rights. Thursday’s confirmation of Eric Dreiband to lead the Civil Rights Division threatens the DOJ’s duty to protect our fundamental rights.

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  10. 13. окт

    I am saddened & disheartened at the lengths Georgia officials will go to so boldly silence the voices of their constituents – but I am not surprised anymore. For democracy to function, each and every person must be heard.

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  11. 13. окт

    Once again, Republicans are spearheading an effort to disenfranchise 53,000 Georgians. 70% are African-American and another 10% are Latino or Asian-American. This is a clear act of blatant and discriminatory voter suppression.

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  12. 12. окт

    If your vote wasn’t so powerful, they wouldn’t keep trying to take it from you.

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  13. 11. окт

    Good News for Social Security – next year’s COLA will be 2.8 percent. With the rising costs seniors face, we must continue to strengthen Social Security. That’s why I’m fighting to .

  14. 10. окт

    Early voting starts today! Cast your ballot now and avoid long lines on Election Day. Get voting information via or .

  15. 9. окт

    Today is the last day to register to vote! Click the link to get registered!

  16. 5. окт

    It's morally wrong to have federal judges and prosecutors who enforce federal law in U.S. territories who are nominated by a President U.S. citizens of these territories can’t vote for and confirmed by a Senate where citizens lack any representation.

  17. 5. окт

    More than nine million American citizens are denied the same right to vote that they would enjoy if living in another part of the country. The government should not deny any citizen the right to vote based on where they live.

  18. 29. сеп

    He may have violated the very laws he is sworn to uphold. My heart goes out to all victims of sexual assault. I stand with and will continue to fight for them. I also believe and stand with Dr. Ford.

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  19. 29. сеп

    Judge Kavanaugh is unfit to be a judge especially on the highest court in the land. Thursday, he showed the nation that he has neither the judicial temperament nor the impartiality to serve on the Supreme Court.

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  20. 25. сеп

    From the 19th Amendment to the Voting Rights Act, women have fought for our right to have a voice. Today, on we must remember that our vote is our voice. Remember to register!


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