Rep. John SarbanesConta verificada


Representing Maryland’s 3rd District. Chair of . Fighting to put the public interest ahead of special interests.

Participa desde agosto de 2011


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  1. 15 horas atrás

    Add to the long list of Trump Administration officials who have wasted and abused taxpayer dollars for personal travel perks.

  2. 15 de out

    “We will strengthen ethics laws to remove the corrosive influence of lobbyists and special interests from Congress, stop foreign money from influencing our elections and create more transparency and accountability for our leaders.” Here’s how 👇 

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  3. 15 de out

    ICYMI, if Democrats take back the House ➡️ “On day one, we will take steps to end the culture of corruption in Washington.”

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  4. retweetou
    4 de out

    Whether it’s the Supreme Court or the halls of Congress, the American people deserve to know their government is working . Here’s how we can fight the in Washington.

  5. 9 de out

    Joseph Tydings set a remarkable example of public service on behalf of Maryland and our nation. His strong, progressive voice made a positive difference in the lives of many over a period of decades. My sincerest condolences to his family and friends.

  6. 9 de out

    A year ago today, announced that he would reverse the . Trump continues to put the profits of dirty polluters ahead of our health and our environment. We must end ’s and return to gov’t .

  7. retweetou
    2 de out

    NEW: Weekly News Round Up for September 28, 2018 ➡️

  8. retweetou
    2 de out

    .: Before the Affordable Care Act, the most powerful stories we heard were from people who couldn't get coverage because of pre-existing conditions. Why would we want to go back to that anguish and despair?

  9. 2 de out

    The difference couldn’t be clearer. Democrats are . Republicans are for millionaire and billionaire donors, wealthy corporations and every well-funded special interest group that swarms around Washington.

  10. 2 de out

    The Trump Administration’s family separation policy – and the way it handles child migrants – continues to get worse. Congress must investigate the Administration’s handling of this crisis.

  11. 29 de set

    Time for some good news. This is a significant step forward in our case. President continues to violate the Constitution by personally profiting off of payments from foreign governments while in office.

  12. 28 de set

    A few words about the Senate Judiciary Committee's deeply flawed deliberations over Judge Brett Kavanaugh’s nomination to the U.S. Supreme Court.

  13. 28 de set

    We have to clean up this broken political system, where the wealthiest Americans cash in at the expense of everyone else. We must return to government of, by and . We have a plan to do it ➡️ .

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  14. 28 de set

    Why is bending over backward – again – for its wealthy donors, rather than helping middle-class Americans? Probably because of this 👇 

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  15. 28 de set

    The 2.0 is an insult to hardworking Americans trying to make ends meet – especially as paychecks stay flat and as health care, child care and housing costs soar.

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  16. 28 de set

    The first – $1.5 trillion in tax cuts, mostly for Republicans’ wealthy donors – apparently wasn’t enough. As we speak, is passing another bill to cut even more taxes for millionaires, billionaires and corporations.

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  17. retweetou
    27 de set

    “The right to vote is the bedrock of American democracy” says - we must defend it

  18. 27 de set

    I believe Dr. Ford and thank her for her courageous testimony.

  19. retweetou
    26 de set

    . are fighting for the issues that matter to everyday Americans by pushing back against the corrupt Trump Administration. The American people want affordable health care and fair wages, not a corrupt gov’t that only serves the wealthy & corporations.

  20. 25 de set

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