Rep. Bonnie Watson ColemanOnaylanmış hesap


Proudly serving the people of New Jersey’s 12th Congressional District. Proud . Progressive Dem. Member of the . Co-Chair of .

New Jersey, USA
Ocak 2015 tarihinde katıldı


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  1. Sabitlenmiş Tweet
    16 Eki

    When GOP was pushing a 2nd tax cut last month, I (and many others who know their tricks) said this was just a step in their plan to cut and . Now that their has exploded the deficit they've begun that process.

    Geri al
  2. 30 dakika önce

    Millions of Americans live with pre-existing conditions including something as common as Arthritis, Depression, Obesity, and even Pregnancy! Many of them would lose their coverage if the Republicans repeal the ACA. It's time to tell them NO!

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  3. 1 saat önce

    Protecting pre-existing conditions protects families like Yael's. Her story is not unique: it is an example of a fear faced by families across the country. GOP leaders say that preexisting conditions are on the chopping block. We can't let that happen.

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  4. 1 saat önce

    Republicans in Congress have said cutting the ACA (including it's protections for preexisting conditions) is a top priority next year. Without the ACA millions would be without health insurance today.

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    Geri al
  5. 3 saat önce

    They tried it last year and they're going to try it again. Even though the protects millions of Americans, including those with pre-existing conditions Republicans are still committed to making repeal a top priority. This is what's at stake this election.

    Geri al
  6. 18 Eki

    .⁦⁩ & ⁦⁩ at TrentonCity Hall urging residents to be counted in the 2020 Census.

    Geri al
  7. 18 Eki

    This is the right decision. The next one is to call for a thorough investigation guided by facts.

    Geri al
  8. 18 Eki

    . McConnell and told us the tax cuts for the rich would increase wages for everyone and increased tax revenue. None of that happened. Now they want to cut taxes for the rich even more and cut Social Security and Medicare to pay for it

    Geri al
  9. 18 Eki

    Instead we have a Republican Party that is too afraid of upsetting Trump to do what they know is right.

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    Geri al
  10. 18 Eki

    Investigations should be guided by the facts and truth, not ramming through the convenient conclusions the Trump Administration prefers to reach.

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    Geri al
  11. 18 Eki

    This is exactly why House Democrats have been calling for greater scrutiny into the emoluments clause; where a President appears to make special accommodations for foreign leaders in furtherance of his personal financial gain over the national interests of our nation.

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    Geri al
  12. 17 Eki

    The Congressional Republican tax bill will end up giving 83% of the benefits to the top 1% and big corporations. Now the federal deficit has jumped to $779 billion and Mitch McConnell says he wants to “adjust” Medicare and Social Security.

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    Geri al
  13. 17 Eki

    President doesn't have time for these 7 excuses not to vote.

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    Geri al
  14. 17 Eki

    The killing of journalist Jamal Khashoggi at the Saudi consulate is deeply concerning. I along with 11 other Representatives are calling on Tres. Sec. to cancel his trip to Saudi Arabia. We need to get to the bottom of what happened.

    Geri al
  15. 17 Eki

    But what can you expect when the head of the EPA is a coal lobbyist and the agency takes its marching orders from oil, gas, and coal companies.

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  16. 17 Eki

    This is just one example in a pattern of disregard for the environment and our health. A recent study by Harvard researchers show the environmental rollbacks so far could lead to 80k deaths and 1 mil cases of respiratory problems over the next decade.

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    Geri al
  17. 17 Eki

    NJ Tourism is worth over $44B and supports half-a-million jobs. Our shoreline's health is integral to our economy. The Trump Administration and their enablers in Congress have put that at risk. Now they won't even answer questions regarding the policy.

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  18. 17 Eki

    I am proud to stand on the right side of history when it comes to protecting and advancing the rights of the LGBTQ community. Honored to receive a 100 on ’s Congressional Scorecard for my support of LGBTQ equality.

    Geri al
  19. 16 Eki

    The American public deserves the confidence that all of our DHS personnel are professional and effective; these reports of criminal behavior within CBP erode that confidence.

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  20. 16 Eki

    The Trump Administration and his allies in the GOP led Congress talk about building a wall to keep Americans safe along the border, but barely even pay lip service to reports like this of troubling conduct by our own personnel in the area.

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