Jackie SpeierOverený účet


Represents California's 14th Congressional District. House Armed Services Committee, House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence.

Na Twitteri od: marec 2009


  1. 15. 10.

    As co-chair of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Caucus, I am thrilled to welcome His Holiness Mirza Masroor Ahmad to America. During his last visit, I saw the power of his message of hope, tolerance, and service firsthand. We need that message & his leadership now more than ever!

  2. 12. 10.

    . went from living in a guilded tower to the White House after qualifying for a “genius visa” - not to mention getting her parents US citizenship via chain migration. The struggle is real.

  3. 11. 10.

    This is what collaboration looks like in San Mateo County! Rolling out Text 911 - call if you can, text if you can’t.

  4. 7. 10.

    .⁩ you reap what you sow. Get ready, cause women - and men - across the country are going to “Grab ‘em by the midterm!”

  5. 5. 10.

    Our modern day Statue of Liberty. Courage, patriotism and selflessness—that’s Dr. Christine Blasey Ford.

  6. 3. 10.

    Israel is on a path to annexation of the West Bank and the end of a Jewish, Democratic Israel. Today I hosted a briefing by Commanders for Israel’s Security and @IsraelPolicy4um highlighting the need to take the threat seriously and act now.

  7. 1. 10.

    Explain to me why we want a liar on the Supreme Court?

  8. 30. 9.

    These are the faces of fear and cowardice; of people who know that the world is changing and who are willing to do anything to maintain the imbalance of power. While they often win in the short run, history shows that change is inevitable.

    Zobraziť toto vlákno
  9. 30. 9.

    Talking to ⁦⁩ about what’s being lost here: how legitimate is an investigation if you don’t talk to the principal witnesses?

  10. 30. 9.

    Telling ⁦⁩ that I think this investigation is turning into nothing more than a fig leaf so that the Republicans can move forward on what they intended to do all along, which is ram this nomination through.

  11. 30. 9.

    Doesn’t credible equal truth?Even ⁦⁩ said Dr. Blasey Ford was a credible witness. Shouldn’t the FBI investigation seek the truth instead of covering it up?

  12. 29. 9.

    The Pacifica Fog Fest Parade is about to start. No Fog!

  13. 29. 9.

    If HRC, Dr. Blasey Ford, or any woman lost her composure, not to mention dignity, the way Kavanaugh did would be screaming that she was unhinged, an unfit witness & accusing her of "blood coming...out of her wherever." The misogyny permeating the GOP will be its downfall.

  14. 29. 9.

    This is what’s wrong with Congress.

  15. 28. 9.

    Trump also said the supplemental investigation, which he called an "update," must be "limited in scope and completed in less than one week." Will the FBI be allowed to talk to Judge, Tom, PJ, Bernie, Squi and Timmy?

    Zobraziť toto vlákno
  16. 27. 9.

    The DefCon panel and election machine demo is about to start! You can watch on Facebook Live here:

  17. 27. 9.

    The ⁦⁩ heading to ⁦⁦⁩ to tell him we have her back, and we’re not going back.

  18. 26. 9.

    We hear the survivors of sexual assault at the hands of Judge Kavanaugh, we believe the survivors, and we are just beginning to fight. If ⁦⁩ won’t hear them ⁦⁩ will!

  19. 26. 9.

    I just spoke on the House floor and voted against the FAA Reauthorization Act of 2018 in part because of the reneging on a promise to meet and discuss the damaging health impacts of increasing airport noise on my constituents.

  20. 26. 9.

    . gathered w/ today to make one thing crystal clear to Dr. Blasey Ford and the millions of sexual assault and harassment survivors out there - we have your back and we’re not going back!

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