House Veterans' Affairs DemsKonto zweryfikowane


Official Twitter page of the House Committee on Veterans’ Affairs Democrats. Ranking Member:

Washington, D.C.
Dołączył czerwiec 2010


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  1. 18 paź

    If the Blue Water Navy Vietnam Veterans Act is not signed into law before the end of this year, then our bipartisan work will be undone and these will be back to square one. Now is the time to act. Now is the time to bring this critical legislation to a vote.

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  2. 18 paź

    This bipartisan bill would grant nearly 90,000 veterans who served off the coast of Vietnam & who suffer from illnesses resulting from their exposure to Agent Orange the benefits they deserve. These vets have waited 40 years & time is running out.

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  3. 18 paź

    This week, I led 45 Members of Congress in sending a letter to Senator Isakson, Chairman of the Senate Veterans Affairs Committee, urging him to schedule a vote on the bipartisan Blue Water Navy Vietnam Veterans Act, which passed the House 382-0 in June.

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  4. 17 paź

    When our country faces epidemics of veteran suicide and homelessness, the last thing we should do is take away $10 billion from . Veterans should not get budget cuts after giving tax cuts to billionaires and corporations.

  5. 11 paź

    Great work by for holding the Trump Admin accountable for unlawfully withholding documents that could reveal the extent of Mar-a-Lago's influence over VA. VA belongs to the millions of who served and sacrificed in uniform, not Trump's golfing buddies.

  6. 10 paź

    While no one solution will be enough, there are a number of steps we must take to move the ball forward in the fight to save the lives of our veterans. For one, Congress needs to pass my VA Medicinal Cannabis Research Act.

  7. 10 paź

    VA’s refusal to cooperate with this inquiry is absolutely unacceptable. This issue has reeked of cronyism and corruption since the beginning and will remain a top concern until all our questions are answered. Trump & VA can’t be allowed to sweep this under the rug.

  8. 27 wrz

    One veteran lost to suicide is one too many. We still have a lot of work ahead of us and many questions to answer, but one thing is certain: we must never stop trying. We must never stop working together to make a difference. Our veterans deserve nothing less.

  9. 27 wrz

    This morning’s full committee hearing entitled “Veteran Suicide Prevention: Maximizing Effectiveness and Increasing Awareness” is streaming here:

  10. 13 wrz

    HAPPENING NOW --> the Subcommittee on Technology Modernization’s first hearing entitled, “The Role of the Interagency Program Office in VA Electronic Health Record Modernization” is streaming here:

  11. 11 wrz

    17 years since the attacks on 9/11, we remember those who lost their lives, pay tribute to the first responders who ran selflessly into harm’s way to save their neighbors, and salute the countless men and women who answered and continue to answer the call of duty.

  12. If you’re a in crisis, you can call 1-800-273-8255 & press 1, chat online at or txt 838255. This confidential support is available to all & their loved ones 24/7. To learn more, visit .

  13. 10 wrz

    President Trump is fighting to block the extension of benefits for >90,000 veterans. These have already waited 40 years & it is past time we honor their sacrifice, even if we have to drag Trump along kicking & screaming to do it.

  14. 10 wrz

    Risk for suicide among veterans is 22% higher than U.S. civilian adults. Learn how we can all support veterans and when they need us. If you need help, or if you know a veteran in crisis, call 1-800-273-8255 & press 1.

  15. 1 wrz

    While alone in the Capitol early this morning, I had the privilege to give one final salute to a close friend & mentor. The life of embodied the American spirit and I will be forever grateful for his service, sacrifice, and leadership. God speed my friend.

  16. 29 sie

    Truly humbling to unveil coins alongside National Commander Denise Rohan. We couldn’t have passed The 100th Anniversary Commemorative Coin Act without Commander Rohan’s advocacy.

  17. 29 sie

    I am grateful to have had the honor of addressing The today at their 100th National Convention. While our work is far from over, I’m proud of what we have accomplished together for our veterans.

  18. 27 sie

    We can both ensure vets have access to high quality and timely healthcare and defend against cuts and privatization of VA. I stand ready to work with Republicans and Democrats to fix the VA MISSION Act funding shortfall in a way that doesn’t put other key VA programs at risk.

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  19. 27 sie

    Congress has until the end of FY2019 to find a solution to the VA MISSION Act funding shortage. Regrettably, multiple proposals offered by my fellow Democrats and me to fix the funding issues have yet to be advanced, leaving critical existing VA services at risk of cuts.

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  20. 27 sie

    As it stands, current budget caps won’t allow for the level of spending the VA MISSION Act calls for ($47B) without deep cuts to other vital VA programs, such as those that invest in VA infrastructure, direct patient care, suicide prevention, medical research, and job training.

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