US Rep E.B.Johnson认证账号


Rep. Eddie Bernice Johnson representing TX-30; Ranking Member of the House Committee on Science, Space and Technology; 1st Registered Nurse in Congress

Dallas, Texas
加入于 2010年7月


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  1. 10月18日

    If Republicans keep their majorities in Congress, they will cut Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid. We cannot allow that to happen. Instead we need to expand benefits and lower healthcare costs. That's what Democrats are promising.

  2. 10月16日

    Pres. Trump must stop peddling misinformation. Climate change is real & we must address it through broad, sweeping action. It is possible & Pres. Trump needs to join our efforts and stop making his dangerous and false comments.

  3. 10月16日

    Enjoyed a productive meeting with Mayor Curtistene McCowan today. We both know there are challenge we must face, but I believe we will succeed together.

  4. 10月15日

    TODAY is the deadline to submit your app! All apps must be submitted by 11 a.m. Make sure they are turned in to in the next hour!

  5. 10月12日

    Student, just 3 days remain to submit your app! Be sure to get them in soon, the deadline is on Monday, October 15 at 11 a.m. Central. Don’t miss it!

  6. 10月9日

    Record numbers of Texans are registered to make their voices heard. Make sure yours is too! Today is the last day to register to ! Visit now!

  7. 10月9日

    Climate change is real but we can do something about it. We must heed this dire warning and act by sharply cutting carbon emissions and investing in research. We must act for the future of humanity.

  8. 10月8日

    Everyone -- of every age -- needs to go out and ! Time is almost up! Tomorrow is the last day to register in Texas. Visit today. Thanks for helping spread this important message! – 在 Main Street Garden

  9. 10月8日

    We cannot continue to lose our best scientific minds to workplace harassment. It's time we correct this troubling issue.

  10. 10月7日

    District 30 is truly a district of opportunity! Thank you to my constituents for a wonderful 26th Community Appreciation Day!

  11. 10月6日

    Judge Kavanaugh has neither the integrity nor the temperament to serve on . The legitimacy of the court will rightly be questioned so long as he is seated on it. His confirmation is a dark day for our democracy.

  12. 转推了

    AWIS endorses the Combating in the Sciences Act introduced today by RM . Through research & action the bill helps understand the prevalence of & addresses sexual harassment in the sciences

  13. 转推了
  14. 10月3日

    would overturn Administration actions weakening safety rules put in place after . Congress must from another disaster!

  15. 10月2日

    Today’s a great day to register to ! Only 7 days remain to register and early voting begins in just 20 days!

  16. 9月30日

    A thorough, unimpeded investigation is exactly what's needed before Judge Kavanaugh's nomination proceeds. It would be inappropriate for the WH to intervene into a process designed so the Senate can carefully consider the findings before they decide to vote him onto .

  17. 9月29日

    The cost of housing is something we must address but there's no way we can achieve success without addressing transportation, education & healthcare. Enjoyed a great conversation about too many Texans being "priced out" of housing at

  18. 转推了

    . says in Dallas, income inequity is widening as low- and high-income pops each continue growing. “The divisions in the living is very, very obvious.”

  19. 转推了

    . says housing affordability requires better education, better transportation, better jobs. “If a city is going to survive, it has to be planned. And it has to be planned with everybody in mind.”

  20. 9月28日

    ensured African Americans the right to vote & an equal education, ensured LGBTQ Americans the right to marry, and women the constitutional right to make their own healthcare choices. It will be tarnished as long as Judge Kavanaugh serves on it. This is wrong.



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