Ann McLane Kuster认证账号


Honored to serve the people of New Hampshire’s Second District in Congress.

NH's 2nd District
加入于 2013年1月


  1. 10月19日

    At ribbon cutting ceremony this AM for the new Friendship House treatment facility. I was proud to advocate for funds to expand Friendship House’s critical substance misuse services & I'll continue my work to help ensure everyone struggling w/addiction can get the care they need.

  2. 10月18日

    Every human being deserves respect, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity & everyone should be able to go about their daily life free from bullying. On & every day, we must stand up for our core values of equality & dignity & over cruelty.

  3. 10月15日

    One year after the movement began, I remain inspired by the brave women & men who have come forward with their stories & demanded an end to the silence that has surrounded this issue. To survivors everywhere: we stand with you, we believe you & it’s not your fault.

  4. 10月15日

    Wonderful to take part in the Congressional Law Enforcement Awards on Friday w/. Law enforcement officers put themselves in harm’s way to keep us safe & play a critical role in combating the opioid crisis & we must fight for the resources they need to do their jobs

  5. 10月12日

    Thank you to the farmers in New Hampshire and across the country who work hard every day to provide us with quality food to eat, clothes to wear, and energy to use. You are vital to the fabric of our society

  6. 10月12日

    Deeply humbled to receive the Granite Stater of the Year Award from last night. is dedicated to strengthening educational opportunities for NH students & I look forward to our continued work together to improve access to quality, affordable higher ed in our state.

  7. 10月11日

    National Coming Out Day is a time for us to pledge that we will continue to stand up for the values of inclusivity and diversity that our nation was founded on by fighting for respect as well as equal rights and opportunities for LGBTQ Americans. Their success is our success.

  8. 10月11日

    On International we reaffirm our commitment to fighting for policies and programs that invest in the potential of girls and help them gain critical skills for the 21st century economy. We all benefit when each and every person can achieve their goals and dreams.

  9. 10月5日

    At Opioid Forum in Concord this afternoon, where we discussed the impact of the opioid crisis on children & families & how to identify children who need help. I look forward to sharing insights with my colleagues as we continue working to combat this epidemic.

  10. 10月1日

    During , learn the signs of an abusive relationship & how to help yourself or someone else in need. No one should feel unsafe w/their partner & we all have a role to play in combating this pervasive problem.

  11. 9月28日

    I tell my story not because it is remarkable or unique. Sadly, I tell my story because it is all too common. I believe Dr. Ford, & applaud her courage, grace, & poise during her testimony before the Senate Judiciary CMTE

  12. 9月26日

    Expanding the use of clean energy is good for our environment, good for job creation and it helps maintain the natural beauty of the Granite State that people have enjoyed for generations. Promoting clean energy is an investment in our collective future.

  13. 9月26日

    Congratulations Principal Rob Scully for being chosen as the NH Principal of the Year! So glad my intern Kailey, a former student, got to join me in welcoming Rob to Washington, DC. Appreciate Principal Scully's dedication to the future of NH's youth.

  14. 9月25日

    At Fire and Emergency Medical Services Awards last night to honor NH firefighters and emergency responders who have gone beyond the call of duty. These individuals do so much to keep us and our communities safe. We must support them and fight for the resources they need.

  15. 9月22日

    Humbled to honor our veterans & their families at the POW/MIA Recognition Day Ceremony in Boscawen this AM. I join all of NH in thanking our veterans for their service & recognizing the incredible sacrifices of our servicemembers who were held prisoner or missing in action.

  16. 9月21日

    On we honor the brave men & women who have gone missing or have been held prisoner while serving our country. I'm reflecting on my father Malcolm who was shot down & held as a German POW in WWII. We will never forget the sacrifices of all our servicemembers.

  17. 9月20日

    At this afternoon hearing from NH families impacted by substance misuse about challenges of addiction & disussing my efforts to tackle the opioid crisis. I'll keep working to expand prevention efforts & access to the treatment & recovery services people need.

  18. 9月18日

    May you have a meaningful fast at this time of reflection, Kippur. G'mar Chatima Tovah

  19. 9月18日

    Happy Birthday ! Founded on the proud service of Americans in the USAAF during WWII, I thank all Air Force vets & servicemembers for their service. Here's my dad after his mission on with the 514th FS, 406th Fighter Group, 3 years before the Air Force's founding.

  20. 9月17日

    Appreciated opportunity to hear from about efforts to eliminate barriers to addiction treatment & train more workers in how to properly respond to & treat people struggling w/substance misuse. I’ll keep working to help ensure treatment is available to anyone who needs it.


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