Richard Blumenthalحساب موثّق


Official Twitter account of U.S. Senator Richard Blumenthal, proudly working for the people of Connecticut.

Connecticut, USA
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  1. قبل ٨ ساعات

    The Trump Admin’s disregard for ethics & accountability is stunning. Sec. Zinke must answer for egregious violations of public trust. Attempt by White House to meddle w/ongoing investigations by putting political operative riddled w/conflicts of interest in charge must cease now.

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  2. قبل ١١ ساعة

    Steve Penny has been uncooperative from the beginning. He took the fifth when we summoned him in June to answer some basic questions about his role in tampering with evidence & complicity in the abuse of athletes. He cannot hide any longer from justice.

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  3. قبل ١١ ساعة

    Steve Perry & USAG leadership repeatedly swept Larry Nassar’s abuse of athletes under the rug & obstructed investigations. Law enforcement must continue to hold those responsible for illegal & immoral cover up accountable.

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  4. قبل ١١ ساعة

    Awareness & intervention are critical to preventing domestic violence. We all have a shared responsibility to speak up, support & listen to survivors & create a culture that rejects domestic violence. Thanks to for helping to lead the way.

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  5. قبل ١٥ ساعة

    A Pakistani couple selling Italian food in Little Poland, given sanctuary in a Congregational church formed by Connecticut Yankees. Only in America! Welcome back home – we will continue to have your back as you fight deportation.

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  6. قبل ١٦ ساعة

    Over 80,000 people died nationwide from the flu last year. A flu shot is a vital health protection that can saves lives. I got mine yesterday at the Community Health & Wellness Center in Torrington. Most Americans can get one w/out paying out of pocket. Have you gotten yours yet?

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  7. قبل ١٧ ساعة

    Consumers can also take simple steps to protect themselves, starting with thoroughly cooking chicken to kill salmonella & staying tuned to CDC’s website for updates.

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  8. قبل ١٧ ساعة

    CDC has identified a strain of drug-resistant salmonella from live & raw chicken—92 individuals infected, including in CT. USDA must work w/food companies to protect consumers by immediately identifying outbreak’s source & ensuring removal of tainted products from store shelves.

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  9. قبل ١٨ ساعة

    Americans deserve—and we are demanding—to know what greenback ties bind the President to suspect Saudis who murder innocents & suppress freedoms.

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  10. تم إعادة تغريدها بواسطة
    قبل ١٩ ساعة
    ردًا على

    As we celebrate our tenth year, learn more about CAC's approach to the Constitution's text, history and values, featuring insights and recollections from , , and here:

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  11. قبل ٢٢ ساعة

    Saudis wanted to put Trump in office—good for business & good for geopolitics. The facts are deeply troubling & may be behind Trump’s silence now.

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  12. قبل ٢٢ ساعة

    Rick Gates, Trump’s deputy campaign manager, sought this proposal from Psy Group & the Saudis paid the company $2 million after Trump won:

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  13. قبل ٢٢ ساعة

    Psy Group put together a social media disinformation proposal that involved creating fake identities & targeting specific users, similar to Russian disinformation campaigns on Facebook in the 2016 presidential election cycle:

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  14. قبل ٢٢ ساعة

    In August 2016, a representative of Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman met with Don Jr. and an Israeli company, the Psy Group, to offer the Saudi government’s help to the Trump campaign.

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  15. قبل ٢٢ ساعة

    President Trump’s vigorous defense of the Saudi government in the face of the murder of Jamal Khashoggi raises questions about the Saudis’ role in helping Trump win the election.

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  16. تم إعادة تغريدها بواسطة
    ١٨ أكتوبر
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  17. ١٧ أكتوبر

    As many as 1 in 5 CT high school seniors are using e-cigarettes. Thanks to Wilbur Cross High students for an important discussion about peer pressure, misinformation, easy access & other factors. We need more conversations about this epidemic & FDA must act now to protect kids.

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  18. ١٦ أكتوبر

    This consumer victory strongly rebukes the Trump Administration’s assault on student borrowers and opens the door to debt relief. Now we need real reform.

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  19. ١٦ أكتوبر

    How many times does it take to learn? What USAG urgently needs now is a leader who is ready to listen to & seek input from survivors. Moral authority, unimpeachable integrity & independence from wrongdoing are key. More athletes & survivors on USAG board would help ensure this.

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  20. ١٦ أكتوبر

    Republicans used to care about fiscal responsibility, but the Trump admin has exploded the budget deficit & created the largest deficit in 6 years thanks to tax cuts and special deals for the wealthiest Americans who don’t need them.

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