Senator Brian Schatzحساب تایید شده


Tweets from the Office of U.S. Senator Brian Schatz, representing the great state of Hawaii.

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@SenBrianSchatz را مسدود کردید

مطمئن اید که می‌خواهید این توییت‌ها را ببینید؟ دیدن توییت‌ها، @SenBrianSchatz را از مسدودشدگی در نمی‌آورد.

  1. شهریور ۲۶

    To me, Judge Kavanaugh is not just a conservative jurist. He's not John Roberts. He's not even Neil Gorsuch. He's a Republican operative who is posing as a judge.

  2. شهریور ۲۰

    Today, we remember the many heroes and neighbors lost in the 9-11 attacks. Seventeen years later, the courage and unity shown by so many on that fateful day still inspires us to come together, to serve, and to do something that’s bigger than ourselves.

  3. مرداد ۲۵

    This resolution also “condemns attacks on the institution of the free press and views efforts to systematically undermine the credibility of the press as a whole as an attack on our democratic institution.”

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  4. مرداد ۲۵

    . & I have introduced a resolution that does just this. It affirms that the press is not the enemy of the people. And it reaffirms the vital role the free press serves to inform the electorate, uncover truth, act as a check & advance democratic norms & freedoms.

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  5. مرداد ۲۵

    These words of past leaders should inspire this body to act—to send a message that we support the First Amendment, and we support the freedom of the press.

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  6. مرداد ۲۵

    Or Justice Anthony Kennedy, who wrote that “the First Amendment is often inconvenient. But that is beside the point. Inconvenience does not absolve the government of its obligation to tolerate speech.”

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  7. مرداد ۲۵

    Or President Reagan, who said that “freedom of the press is one of our most important freedoms, and also one of our oldest.

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  8. مرداد ۲۵

    Or James Madison, who said that “the freedom of the press is one of the greatest bulwarks of liberty, and can never be restrained but by despotic governments.”

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  9. مرداد ۲۵

    We can't let statements by declaring the press is the enemy of the people go unchallenged. Both parties complain about the media but who would argue w/ Thomas Jefferson who wrote: “our liberty depends on the freedom of the press & that cannot be limited without being lost”

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  10. مرداد ۲۵

    Every member of Congress has sworn to uphold the Constitution, including the right to the . I’m introducing a bill to uphold our oath and make clear that we support liberty and free speech. WATCH LIVE:

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  11. بازتوییت کرد
    مرداد ۱۲

    . gives Weekly Dem Address on w/ the Kavanaugh nom as the Trump admin fights in court to take away pre-existing condition protections: "There is too much at stake to do nothing...please raise your voice & join us in the fight for health care."

  12. مرداد ۱۱

    The Senate has passed my proposal directing the federal government to assess how Kilauea has hurt farmers and ranchers. This is about people’s livelihoods, and it’s about Hawaii Island’s agricultural history and way of life. This bill is a good step in our recovery efforts.

  13. مرداد ۶

    12 of my Democratic colleagues & I read a letter written by 54 parents being detained at the Port Isabel Detention Center. The separation of families at the border is not simply a policy that has resulted in immeasurable harm, but a policy designed to inflict it. It is immoral.

  14. مرداد ۴

    Great time talking story with Hawaii’s Future Farmers of America. This has been an especially tough year for Hawaii farmers so it’s encouraging to see so many FFA students here in Washington.

  15. بازتوییت کرد
    تیر ۲۷

    Imagine waking up to your phone, television & radio warning of an incoming missile threat. Then imagine learning it was only a false alarm. It happened in Hawaii this year. So kudos to Senator & for the READI Act to help ensure this never happens again.

  16. تیر ۱۹

    Incompetence does not excuse this by any stretch. It is the moral duty of the United States to reunite these families as soon as possible.

  17. تیر ۱۱

    Last week the Senate unanimously passed my bill, the ALERT Act. The bipartisan bill makes it clear that the authority to send missile alerts rests with the federal government. I look forward to seeing this bill go on to the next step needed to become law.

  18. تیر ۵

    There is so much going on in the news that this is barely breaking through. But Republicans are still trying to take health care away from millions of Americans with preexisting conditions. They sabotaged our health care system, causing rates to skyrocket.

  19. تیر ۱

    President Trump holds a powerful position, but he cannot stop the clean energy momentum that’s happening in cities, states, and the private sector.

  20. خرداد ۳۰

    The people at our borders are human beings. They have left behind friends, families, and most of what they own to come to our border because they have no other choice. This , it’s incumbent on everyone to remember that.


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