Senator John Thuneحساب موثّق


U.S. Senator John Thune, South Dakota. Chairman of & . Father. Husband. Avid Outdoorsman. Sports Fan.

انضم في مايو ٢٠١١


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  1. ٢٠ أكتوبر

    While a lot has changed in the 100 years since South Dakota's annual pheasant hunting tradition began, many elements have stood the test of time. Read more about why this time of year is so important to me and my family, and good luck to everyone today -->

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  2. ١٩ أكتوبر

    Visited with economics students about trade, ag policy, and how to prepare themselves for their careers.

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  3. ١٩ أكتوبر

    Met with business leaders from around the state in Brookings. They're all participating in this year. The Campanile provided the perfect backdrop for our discussion this morning.

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  4. ١٩ أكتوبر
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  5. ١٩ أكتوبر

    “Honor Their Service: Sen. John Thune visits Ellsworth AFB to see vision become reality” via

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  6. ١٩ أكتوبر

    I’ve been fighting for Ellsworth Air Force Base for more than a decade, and this week’s visit proved once again that the base and the airmen of are the best of the best and true national assets.

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  7. ١٩ أكتوبر

    The labor market keeps breaking records thanks to Republicans’ pro-job, pro-growth agenda.

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  8. ١٨ أكتوبر
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  9. تم إعادة تغريدها بواسطة
    ١٨ أكتوبر

    NewsCenter1 would like to recognize our service men and women and the people who advocate for them. Tonight at 5:30,@MeganMuratTVbrings us the first of our weekly series "Honor Their Service," featuring Sen. John Thune. Live link:

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  10. ١٧ أكتوبر

    Back in my hometown this afternoon. Got to visit with the 7-12 grade students at Jones County High School. Never a bad day to be in Murdo.

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  11. ١٧ أكتوبر

    Stopped by Winner High School today and visited with the government and current events classes. Great discussion with an informed group of students.

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  12. ١٧ أكتوبر
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  13. ١٦ أكتوبر

    Visited with the senior class at this afternoon. Thanks to Doug for the annual invite. I look forward to it each year.

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  14. ١٦ أكتوبر

    Spent some of the morning on campus . I enjoyed visiting with the American Government students and stopped by the student center for lunch.

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  15. ١٥ أكتوبر

    Saturday morning to Sunday morning - a mere 24 hours in the land of infinite variety.

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  17. تم إعادة تغريدها بواسطة
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    The FCC said South Dakota could see hundreds of millions in economic benefit from a 5G network, but first, it is going to take a large investment in infrastructure to make it happen.

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  19. تم إعادة تغريدها بواسطة
    ١٣ أكتوبر

    Communities worldwide are interested in the economic growth opportunities that 5G wireless networks could create.

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  20. تم إعادة تغريدها بواسطة
    ١٣ أكتوبر

    “Now is the time because if we wait any longer, we’re going to be behind the game and somebody else is going to get all the economic benefits that comes from this,” said Senator John Thune.

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