Rep. Frank PalloneAkun terverifikasi


The official Twitter account of Congressman Frank Pallone, Jr. (D), of New Jersey's 6th district, Ranking Member of Committee.

Bergabung April 2009


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  1. Batalkan
  2. This is a long overdue step that had to be taken, but we still need a stronger commitment from the administration to find the truth behind Jamal Khashoggi’s death – beyond just blindly accepting the denials and explanations of the Saudi government.

  3. The ’s push to gut benefited Big ISPs, AND NO ONE ELSE. Without strong protections, internet users will be stuck with higher fees to use their favorites sites & apps. We need to pass the CRA and restore !

  4. Batalkan
  5. 18 Okt

    Today is the 46th anniversary of the - a law I’ve spent my career fighting to protect & strengthen. The Trump admin is working to undermine it by gutting the EPA & rolling back our efforts to combat climate change.We must stand against these reckless policies.

  6. 18 Okt

    to my visit to the Elizabeth detention center on . I have called for oversight of efforts to reunite families, but Republicans refuse to hold hearings to hold the administration accountable. Trump wants us to forget, but I won’t rest until this crisis is solved.

  7. 17 Okt

    With the Trump administration trying to roll back hard earned rights at every turn, I couldn’t be more proud to receive a 100 on ’s Congressional Scorecard. Visit to learn more.

  8. 17 Okt

    New Jerseyans knew the didn’t add up. Now the wants to cut Medicare to pay for tax cuts for the wealthy. Shameful.

  9. 17 Okt
  10. me-Retweet
    17 Okt

    . is coming after Medicare & Social Security after their tax cuts for millionaires & big corporations blew a massive hole in our debt & deficits. Democrats are & committed to protecting the benefits Americans work a lifetime to earn.

  11. 17 Okt

    Make sure to read my op-ed in the on ’s lies on health care. Despite his efforts to distort the facts, Trump has tried to rip away health coverage for 500k in NJ & protections for 130 million with pre-existing conditions.

  12. 16 Okt

    It’s been great meeting with my constituents throughout New Jersey in 2018. Take a look at my interactive map to see where I’ve visited.

  13. 16 Okt

    This is the playbook on Medicare & Social Security - 1) cut taxes to benefit the wealthiest of Americans 2) watch the deficit sharply rise 3) call for drastic cuts to Social Security & Medicare to make up the difference.

  14. me-Retweet
    16 Okt

    When Jodi’s son was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes, her family did everything they could to keep up with the rising cost of prescription drugs needed to save his life. are fighting to lower drug costs for families like Jodi’s across the country.

  15. 15 Okt

    New report shows the importance of the ACA’s Medicaid expansion for low-income Americans. It’s time to expand these benefits to millions more.

  16. 15 Okt

    This we need to do everything we can to empower victims and to shine light on this important issue.

  17. Batalkan
  18. 14 Okt

    Celebrated 30th anniversary of the Chai Building, Marlboro Jewish Center’s youth education facility. Glad to see all the preschoolers who are excited to learn more about their Jewish tradition and culture.

  19. 14 Okt

    Trying to dance at Sayreville Navratri.

  20. 14 Okt

    Aarti, songs sung in praise of the Hindu deity with candles, at Old Bridge Navratri.


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