Financial Svcs Dems認証済みアカウント


Democratic Members of the House Committee on Financial Services - Ranking Member: Facebook:

Washington, DC


  1. 10月3日

    🚨 🚨 Ranking Member Introduces Legislation to Put Consumers First READ: |

  2. 10月1日
  3. 10月1日

    : Ranking Member Leads Call for Committee to Investigate Failures to Protect Loan Borrowers at the READ:

  4. 9月26日

    : Ranking Member Calls on to Discontinue Support for the Government of READ:

  5. 9月21日

    : , and 17 Other Call on to Maintain Capital Requirements for Megabanks

  6. 9月17日

    : Ranking Member ' Statement on the 10th Anniversary of the 2008 Financial Crisis READ: |

  7. 9月13日

    "The Trump Administration’s transfer of $9.8 million in FEMA emergency preparedness funding to ICE for its detention centers at the beginning of this year’s hurricane season is a travesty." - Ranking Member |

  8. 9月12日

    "For far too long, certain financial professionals have been able to game the system & choose a standard of care that allows them to put their interests & profit motives ahead of their retail clients" - RM's , , &

  9. 9月7日

    "Given the critical importance of the to our housing market, we must take this small step to at least provide some level of certainty to businesses and families." - Ranking Member | |

  10. 9月7日

    "Mr. Chairman,... I would point out that control the House, the , and the , and there have been no apparent steps to advance comprehensive housing finance reform since they gained that control." - RM |

  11. 8月31日

    Ranking Member ' Statement on the ’s Advanced Notice of Proposed Rulemaking on Modernization

  12. 8月2日

    : Ranking Member Statement on Charter Announcement and Report READ:

  13. 7月25日

    "I have led the effort for years to provide long-term reauthorizations of the that also ensure the affordability and availability of flood insurance, and I will continue to do so when this latest short-term extension expires in November." - Ranking Member

  14. 7月25日

    "...I am pleased that we are taking the small step today of reauthorizing the Program for 4 months to at least provide some level of certainty to businesses & families. But let us not be fooled into thinking that our work is done." - RM |

  15. 7月18日

    : Ranking Member and 61 Members Demand Long-Term Reauthorization of National Program

  16. 7月18日

    "As a result of Democratic policies and the policies of the , we are now experiencing the longest stretch of private sector job growth on record. But...Trump is putting all of that progress at risk." - Ranking Member |

  17. 7月18日

    Ranking Member to Chair: Trump’s Policies Threaten Economic Gains Put in Motion During the Obama Administration

  18. 7月12日

    "...[T]his trade war comes at a time when our deficit has ballooned due to the Republican tax law, which has been nothing more than a giveaway to very wealthy individuals, banks and big corporations." - RM |

  19. 7月12日

    : At Hearing on International Financial System, Ranking Member Presses Mnuchin on Trump’s Trade War READ:

  20. 7月12日

    "I am committed to supporting legislation that will make sure this economic growth extends to everyone, including small businesses, which are at the forefront of job creation, and hardworking families." - Ranking Member



