Congressman Al GreenTài khoản được xác nhận


Proud to represent the 9th District of Texas in the U.S. House of Representatives •

Houston, TX & Washington, DC
Đã tham gia tháng 6 năm 2010
Sinh ngày 01 tháng 9


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    Bemoaning the President's harm to society and high misdeeds is not enough. Article 2, Section 4 of the U.S. Constitution was created for a time such as this and a President such as Trump. It's past time to do more than talk.

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  2. Mr. President, you have previously intimated that the press is the enemy of the people, and on yesterday, you praised someone for assaulting a reporter. For the love of country, please stop sowing seeds of divisiveness that will erode our democracy and put our republic at risk.

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  3. If President Trump compared persons of any ethnicity or religion to termites, I would call that statement bigoted. Since Minister Farrakhan has compared Jews to termites, I must call that statement bigoted. Bigotry is unacceptable regardless of the source.

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  4. Just as we fought to eliminate poll taxes and literacy tests, which prevented African-Americans from voting, we must now eliminate voter suppression procedures in the registration & voting process at Prairie View A&M University and across the nation.

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  5. It's a dangerous time for journalists, from to . We must ensure that an independent investigation is conducted into the disappearance of both journalists. Criticism is vital to democracy & we must protect those who are willing to keep us accountable.

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  6. and all across the state of Texas, it is the last day to register to vote. The midterm elections are sure to make this a November to remember. I am encouraging all Texans to register and exercise their right to vote.

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  7. Today, we recognize in honor of those who predate the arrival of others in what we now know as the Americas.

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  8. Mr. President, children are still separated from their parents because of your bigoted border separation policy. This coupled with many examples of your bigotry is enough for people of good will to call for your resignation.

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  9. Mr. President, you don't have to believe Dr. Ford to respect her. Mocking her for laughs is more than criticism, it's blatant sexism.

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  10. The federal government provides millions in funding for several initiatives across the nation to help keep neighborhoods safe. and all over Houston, we celebrated in an effort to unite our communities and the first responders that protect them.

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  11. I salute Dr. James P. Allison on his joint win of the in Medicine for his groundbreaking cancer treatment research at the world-renowned in my district. The entire 9th Congressional District is beaming with pride for you, Dr. Allison!

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  12. If we delayed Merrick Garland indefinitely, then we can delay Brett Kavanugh temporarily. The Senate’s decision will either show how far America has come since Anita Hill or how far we have to go after Dr. Ford. History will judge us.

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  13. As an imperfect voter, I am reminded that the right to vote was not always available to all Americans. In honor of our ancestors who fought tirelessly for voting rights, register to vote here . The deadline in Texas is Oct 9th.

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  14. Mr. President, the Justice Department and its employees are independent watchdogs for the people NOT dependent lapdogs for the President. As a member of the Justice Department, Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein is NOT your lapdog.

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  15. Mr. President, you are imminently correct. YOU don’t have an Attorney General. The United States of America has an Attorney General, & when YOU have an Attorney General, the country loses. AG Jeff Sessions is not your private lawyer. He works for the people, NOT for you.

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  16. Happy to the Jewish community in my district, across this great Nation, and throughout the world. I am wishing you an easy and meaningful fast.

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  17. Before disasters, we send encouraging words to those who may be affected. After disasters, we must take action & help those who have been affected. I send my prayers to all who are in harms way as progresses and will demand action & relief when it ends.

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  18. Missed the “Impeachment: A Necessary Remedy for Bigotry in Policy” session w/ Dr. Allan Lichtman & Attorney Ron Fein? Watch it here

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  19. Please join me today at 1:30 PM ET in Room 140A at Washington Convention Center for “Impeachment: A Necessary Remedy for Bigotry in Policy” w/ constitutional scholars Ron Fein & Allan Lichtman. Not in D.C.? Join us via live stream at

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  20. Today, the Ethiopian community celebrates its new year. I trust that it will be a prosperous and joyous one. Happy Enkutatash!

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  21. Today commemorates the 17th anniversary of one of our nation’s greatest tragedies, . After this disaster, Americans showed an admirable level of resilience and unity. We must the fallen, their families, survivors, and first responders from that day.

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