Rep. Lois FrankelOvěřený účet


Representative from Florida's 21st Congressional District. Chair of .

Připojil se leden 2013


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  1. Připnutý tweet
    15. 10.

    October 15 marks the 1 year anniversary of going viral thanks to brave survivors like , & countless others who came forward to tell their stories of sexual harassment&assault. We've sparked a national discussion and made real progress. [THREAD]

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  2. Retweetnuto uživatelem
    18. 10.

    This is you and all your friends laughing hysterically about gutting preexisting conditions a year ago. You thought we forgot?

  3. Retweetnuto uživatelem
    19. 10.

    Under the , the cost of prescription drugs keeps going up while seniors & working families are feeling the squeeze. A Democratic Congress will work to lower Rx drug prices & health care costs for all Americans.

  4. 18. 10.

    In under two years, Trump's dangerous expanded is wreaking havoc on countries desperate for basic health care, creating a "wave of uncertainty" for families who need access to contraception & treatment for HIV & Malaria. This is cruel!

  5. 18. 10.

    All along, knew the outcome of their – exploding the deficit by $2tril then demanding massive cuts to Medicare, Medicaid, & Social Security. We need a Congress that works , not just rich shareholders & massive corporations.

  6. Retweetnuto uživatelem
    18. 10.

    If the GOP wins Congress, we'll have a sequel to Groundhog Day. Instead of a TV weatherman discovering the meaning of life, a senator from Kentucky will take your health coverage... I would rather see the one about how Democrats are fighting .

  7. 17. 10.

    What an achievement! Lt. Gen. Laura J. Richardson will be the first woman to lead the largest command in the Army. Thank you for your decades of service. Congrats on breaking another glass ceiling & making

  8. 17. 10.

    Remember when Republicans promised their - the trillion dollar tax cut for the wealthy - would "pay for itself"? Well, it isn't. And now they want to gut Medicare, Social Security & Medicaid to make up for it. Despicable. Democrats are & will fight this!

  9. 17. 10.

    I am honored to receive a 100 on ’s Congressional Scorecard for my support of LGBTQ equality. No one should be discriminated against because of who they are, or who they love.

  10. 17. 10.

    Did you know nearly 20 people per minute are physically abused by an intimate partner in the US? Terrifying. This let's step up to the plate&end domestic violence. In Congress it's time we pass ’s bill to reauthorize&strengthen & support survivors

  11. Retweetnuto uživatelem
    17. 10.

    . is coming after Medicare & Social Security after their tax cuts for millionaires & big corporations blew a massive hole in our debt & deficits. Democrats are & committed to protecting the benefits Americans work a lifetime to earn.

  12. 16. 10.

    It’s not hard to read between the lines: Saudi Arabia has spent millions on Trump businesses, which has lined 's pockets and bought his complicity. To find the truth, there must be an independent investigation, and those responsible should be sanctioned.

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  13. 16. 10.

    I’m deeply concerned by reports that Saudi Arabia assassinated Jamal Khashoggi. The United States must be a moral voice for human rights, yet this administration has abdicated that responsibility.

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  14. 16. 10.

    The truth comes out! This was their deceptive plan all along. After exploding the deficit by $2tril w/the , Republicans are now setting their sights on destroying Medicare, Medicaid&Social Security - programs seniors&families rely on. Democrats will fight against this!

  15. 16. 10.

    This is disgusting behavior from anyone, no less the President of the United States. Make no mistake, has a distinct pattern of attacking women -- from Mika Brzezinski, to Maxine Waters, to Elizabeth Warren & more -- especially those who challenge him.

  16. 16. 10.

    My colleagues & I wrote to b/c she hasn't sought feedback from a broad group of survivors & advocacy organizations regarding new rules around campus sexual assault. Survivors need to be heard & students deserve a safe learning environment. Read our letter⬇️

  17. Retweetnuto uživatelem
    16. 10.

    Today’s report from the Trump Admin that the federal deficit rose 17% to reach $779 billion in FY 18 is the direct result of a GOP-led Congress & choosing to provide massive tax breaks to the wealthiest Americans in the .

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  18. 15. 10.

    The bipartisan says for workplace harassment by boosting transparency&accountability. Among its many provisions, it bans mandatory NDAs, establishes a confidential tip line at & requires companies to publicly disclose the number of settlements to SEC

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  19. 15. 10.

    Congress should echo the calls of millions by passing policies that would create safer workplaces & empower survivors to speak up, like overhauling its own rules, strengthening , banning mandatory arbitration & passing the bipartisan

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  20. 15. 10.

    Since (1)sexual harassment charges to EEOC rose by 12% (2) raised $22m to help workers in every industry who experience sexual harassment (3)'s sexual assault hotline had a 30% increase in calls. Folks are finally listening-but there's still more work to do

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  21. 15. 10.

    Thanks to , state legislatures all over the country have introduced 100+ bills to strengthen defenses against workplace harassment. So far, 11 states & 2 localities have passed new laws, like restricting mandatory arbitration & expanding protections to more workers

    Zobrazit toto vlákno

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