
@RepLowenthal را مسدود کردید

مطمئن اید که می‌خواهید این توییت‌ها را ببینید؟ دیدن توییت‌ها، @RepLowenthal را از مسدودشدگی در نمی‌آورد.

  1. ۱۶ ساعت پیش

    Make no mistake, the GOP has not given up its drive to repeal the Affordable Care Act, to end protections for preexisting conditions, and to drastically cut Medicaid. They must be held fully accountable. We all need to push back hard to protect our care.

  2. ۱۷ ساعت پیش

    For my entire career in congress, Republicans called themselves the party of fiscal responsibility. Then they created record deficits with their tax cuts for the wealthiest. Make no mistake, their next move will be cuts to Medicare and social security. We can't let that happen.

  3. مهر ۲۷

    Last night I was honored to join to discuss my work to end extreme partisan gerrymandering. We can’t afford to let politicians rig the game for their own benefit! We need fair maps which ensure that every American has fair representation.

  4. مهر ۲۷

    I am deeply concerned by Secretary Zinke’s move to replace the Interior Department’s Inspector General with a partisan political appointee while investigations into misconduct at the agency are ongoing. We need answers.

  5. مهر ۲۷

    California’s voter registration deadline is less than one week away! Don’t miss the opportunity to make your voice heard, and don’t be left behind. Check your registration status at

  6. مهر ۲۶

    Medicare for all is all about guaranteeing good coverage for every American. I’m proud to be a member of the Medicare For All Caucus, and to be working to make it a reality. Medicare needs to be protected, preserved and upheld—we can never allow it to be threatened. 2/2

    نمایش این رشته‌توییت
  7. مهر ۲۶

    The President is backing a lawsuit to strike down the entire Affordable Care Act, without any replacement plan. It would devastate millions with pre-existing conditions. 1/2

    نمایش این رشته‌توییت
  8. مهر ۲۶

    I’ve spent my career fighting for LGBT equality. I couldn’t be prouder to have earned a perfect score on ’s Congressional Score Card. Join me in committing to continue to work for equal rights for all, whatever it takes!

  9. مهر ۲۶

    The GOP tax bill was unnecessary and irresponsible. Now with record deficits, GOP leaders are discussing plans to cut Medicare and social security. We won’t let working families pay for tax cuts for the wealthiest!

  10. مهر ۲۵

    Over and over, our President places the word of foreign despots above all else. It harms our national security and enables appalling human rights violations. It’s not the leadership we deserve.

  11. مهر ۲۵

    The images of the devastation caused by Hurricane Michael are heartbreaking. It’s a tragic scene we’ll see again and again without real action to fight climate change. We can’t hide from the truth any longer.

  12. مهر ۲۵

    Proud to be working alongside my friend and colleague to protect & expand healthcare for all Americans.

  13. مهر ۲۵

    Open Enrollment through begins this week! Don’t wait to sign up for coverage!

    این توییت در دسترس نیست.
  14. مهر ۲۴

    Huge and unnecessary GOP tax cuts have created unprecedented deficits. GOP leaders, though, prefer to blame Medicare, Medicaid and social security. They’re planning huge cuts to these vital programs as soon as they can. We won’t allow it.

  15. مهر ۲۴

    Yet again, the EPA is moving to silence scientists. This time, they’re ending a panel which studies harmful air pollution. When experts are cut out of the policymaking process, special interests are free to take over. The result is terrible for us all.

  16. مهر ۲۳

    California’s voter registration deadline is just a week away! We need to hear every voice. Don’t let yourself be silenced. Check your registration status here:

  17. مهر ۲۳

    President Trump has announced that he’s considering a new family separation policy. The haunting scenes I saw at the border at the height of his previous policy will stay with me forever. We can’t allow him to subject children to this cruelty again.

  18. مهر ۲۳

    Just in , 34,000 OC homeowners lost their full property tax deduction under the GOP tax law. Across Orange County, over 180k are affected. Read my report from :

  19. مهر ۲۳

    I welcome the bipartisan condemnation of Saudi Arabia for the appalling disappearance of Jamal Khashoggi. The President’s reluctance to uphold human rights is typically outrageous. If his administration won’t act, Congress must.

  20. مهر ۲۲

    Americans across party lines know that is smart policy. The internet must be free and open for all. The fight is far from over—I’m proud to support the discharge petition to force a vote on the house floor.


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