Suzanne Bonamici已認證帳戶


Representing Oregon's 1st District. Working to strengthen , support , & . Proud mom of two grown kids.

出生於 10月14日


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  1. 10月19日

    I am proud to be part of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Caucus working to preserve religious freedom for all. shares the same mission, and so we welcome His Holiness Mirza Masroor Ahmad during his visit to the US.

  2. 10月19日

    I joined more than 150 of my colleagues in calling on Sec. DeVos to release information and address the students’ claims.

  3. 10月19日

    Many people working in the public sector count on the Public Service Loan Forgiveness Program, but the Department of Education is denying them the benefits they have earned. This is unacceptable.

  4. 10月19日

    Not only does ACICS have a troubling history of failing to protect students from predatory for-profit colleges, multiple accrediting agencies said that endorsements attributed to them were misrepresented. ED must provide transparency to protect students and taxpayers.

  5. 10月19日

    Today and I led our colleagues in the House and Senate to send the following message to Sec. DeVos: Provide the full set of documents that were used as the basis for ’s decision to reinstate ACICS.

  6. 10月18日

    I’m grateful for these educators and appreciate all they do to help non-traditional students overcome barriers.

  7. 10月18日

    The GED serves as a powerful tool to expand access to higher education and employment, and Oregon GED educators are doing impressive work with students who didn’t finish high school on the traditional path.

  8. 10月18日

    Thank you to and 96 of our colleagues who joined us in calling on to abandon his proposal to dissolve the EPA's independent office for scientific analysis.

  9. 10月18日

    The horrific murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi is deeply disturbing. I urge a full investigation into what happened & accountability for those responsible. Mr Khashoggi’s final column reminds us why freedom of the press is so vital and must be protected

  10. 10月18日

    I enjoyed visiting the new Sato Elementary School in Beaverton! They are doing wonderful work with to provide students an engaging, well-rounded education.

  11. 已轉推

    Thank you for your letter to address attendees to this weekend's screening of Jeanne Hallacy's Mother, Daughter, Sister about rape as a weapon of war by the Burmese military.

  12. 10月18日

    Knowing what to do when an earthquake hits could save your life. Learn more about how to prepare and join the today at 10:18 a.m. to practice! Find details about Oregon’s here:

  13. 10月17日

    Did you or someone you know attend Corinthian Colleges? If so, a court recently ordered the Department of Education to stop collecting on related student loans if the borrower applies for cancellation. Find out how to do that here:

  14. 10月17日

    In every corner of NW Oregon, I hear about the urgent need for affordable, stable housing and wrap-around services. I had a productive discussion about these important issues yesterday with and will continue to fight for programs that support low-income residents.

  15. 已轉推

    . is coming after Medicare & Social Security after their tax cuts for millionaires & big corporations blew a massive hole in our debt & deficits. Democrats are & committed to protecting the benefits Americans work a lifetime to earn.

  16. 10月17日

    Secretary DeVos must stop putting the interest of for-profit companies before the interest of students. I call on her to immediately and faithfully implement the Borrower Defense rule and stop collecting on the loans of borrowers seeking relief.

  17. 10月17日

    As of May 2018, there were 1,495 Oregonians with pending Borrower Defense claims. Today’s court decision means that those student borrowers who were cheated by predatory colleges will finally get the justice and financial relief they deserve.

  18. 10月17日

    The Borrower Defense Rule was designed to protect the many students who were defrauded by predatory, for-profit colleges. Secretary DeVos tried to stop it, but today a U.S. District Court held that the rule must be implemented.

  19. 10月16日

    Congratulations, Brigette! I hope you enjoy traveling to DC to help light the U.S. Capitol Christmas Tree, which will come from our beautiful Willamette National Forest.

  20. 已轉推

    October 15 marks the 1 year anniversary of going viral thanks to brave survivors like , & countless others who came forward to tell their stories of sexual harassment&assault. We've sparked a national discussion and made real progress. [THREAD]



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