Richard BlumenthalПодлинная учетная запись


Official Twitter account of U.S. Senator Richard Blumenthal, proudly working for the people of Connecticut.

Connecticut, USA
Дата регистрации: апрель 2011 г.


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  1. 2 часа назад

    Sad day for America—a seeming sell out & business as usual in Mnuchin meeting with suspect Saudi Crown Prince. Apparent seal of approval before the facts are known about MBS’s complicity in Khashoggi murder. Are we now just a pawn in Saudi propaganda?

  2. 4 часа назад

    Further proof— 2 weeks before Americans head to the polls—Russia & other foreign gov'ts will continue to use social media to sow political discord in 2018, 2020, & beyond. Serious action must be taken to protect our democratic institutions from attack.

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  3. 4 часа назад

    : Russia election interference is not a thing of the past, a witch hunt, or a hoax. Last week DOJ charged a Russian woman, tied to Putin-backed oligarchs, with creating 1,000s of social media accounts to manipulate voters in the 2018 midterms.

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  4. ретвитнул(а)
    8 часов назад

    My colleagues , Sen. , and I are asking Director Duff of to review the secret and partisan closed-door training program for federal judicial clerks offered by a conservative Washington think tank.

  5. 6 часов назад

    We also need to combat this annual threat by developing a universal flu vaccine. I have worked to secure $140 million in research funding & will continue to lead legislation to ensure further support over the next 5 years.

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  6. 6 часов назад

    With 1 flu related death & 22 hospitalizations, flu season has hit CT. The time is now to get vaccinated—a critical step to protect yourself & loved ones.

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  7. 22 часа назад

    China’s ongoing drug smuggling amounts to a thinly disguised attack on our nation. It must be stopped.

  8. 22 часа назад

    Putting the Crown Prince in charge of cleaning house in Saudi intelligence agency puts the lead criminal in charge. U.S. must make sure the facts are uncovered & Crown Prince & all responsible are held accountable.

  9. 21 окт.

    Expelling Saudi Ambassador, as suggested, is a good beginning—a first step that must be followed by more: No arms sales, refueling & other military support. Other steps—including against top Saudi rulers—should be determined by a full international investigation.

  10. 21 окт.

    Mounting bipartisan consensus—American cannot be silent or inactive given Saudi criminality. Trump administration must heed strong voices on both sides of the aisle in Congress.

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  11. 21 окт.

    America must stop refueling Saudi planes & providing munitions used to support apparent Saudi war crimes in Yemen. Congressional scrutiny & other actions necessary, ASAP.

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  12. 21 окт.

    No straight Saudi story—shifting official accounts are a classic sign of criminal culpability. No more business as usual until an international investigation is complete.

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  13. 20 окт.

    Thrilled to celebrate the christening of the future USS Vermont today in Groton with & & sponsor Gloria Valdez. Proud of our Connecticut shipbuilders & grateful for the submariners who sacrifice for our freedom & unity.

  14. 19 окт.

    Saudi actions & explanations continue to defy credibility & common sense. No way should the world wait 30 days for a Saudi whitewash or cover up. U.S. must call for an international investigation that holds accountable all responsible—not just Crown Prince's fall guys.

  15. ретвитнул(а)
    19 окт.

    "There's no way the world will wait for 30 days for a Saudi investigation to be done," Sen. Richard Blumenthal said. "There has to be a international investigation. It has to be done with legitimate, credible means involving the United States."

  16. ретвитнул(а)
    19 окт.

    "This action raises more questions than it answers." Democratic Sen. Richard Blumenthal says he believes that the Saudis are "buying time and buying cover" with their decision to commission an investigation into journalist Jamal Khashoggi's death.

  17. 19 окт.

    Today’s charges are proof that Congress cannot let the White House continue to do nothing. We must swiftly pass the Senate’s ‘sanctions from hell’ and end this cycle.

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  18. 19 окт.

    Russia has been caught again attempting to sow discord & division in America through misinformation & fake news. These continued attacks against our democracy are the result of Trump’s willful self-blinding & failure to confront Russia.

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  19. 19 окт.

    The DOJ’s charges against Elena Khusyaynova are chilling proof that Russia poses an active and real threat to the upcoming midterm elections.

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  20. 19 окт.

    Is Trump giving Saudis a free pass on brutal murder of Khashoggi bc his coffers are being filled by the Saudi govt? How much Saudi govt money is Trump accepting in violation of the Constitution? We demand & are suing to ensure disclosure & accountability.


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