Patrick McHenryAkun terverifikasi


I represent the citizens of North Carolina’s 10th District in the United States Congress.

Denver, NC
Bergabung Maret 2009


  1. 27 Okt

    Today is National Prescription Drug . Check your medicine cabinets for unused or expired prescription drugs & take them to a safe disposal spot near you. Click here to learn more →

  2. 24 Okt

    For too long the opioid epidemic has caused suffering for communities in & all across the country. Today signs a historic bill that takes an important step to end the cycle of addiction affecting the lives of so many. Click here to watch →

  3. 23 Okt

    Enjoyed answering questions from the students in Mr. Carpenter’s 6th grade social studies class at AC Reynolds Middle this afternoon. Sharp group of kids.

  4. 22 Okt

    Spent the afternoon at where I presented an American flag to President Dalton which will be flown on their newly dedicated flagpoles. Always a pleasure to catch up with Walter!

  5. 19 Okt

    So far the House of Representatives has passed over 1,000 bills to help improve the lives of those in and all across the country. Click here to learn more →

  6. 18 Okt

    It has been a month since caused so much damage & suffering to our neighbors in eastern . Thankful for everyone helping to rebuild after this deadly storm. Check out this great by-the-numbers graphic for a look at the federal response so far.

  7. 16 Okt

    On Saturday, I was honored to join in the Oval Office to welcome Pastor Brunson home→ Official White House Photo By Jodie Steck.

  8. 13 Okt

    On this day 243 years ago the Continental Congress established what is now the . Please join me in honoring all of the brave men and women who have served in the U.S. Navy.

  9. 5 Okt

    Today on National we celebrate the innovation and advances of manufacturing. Please join me in celebrating manufacturers and the vital role they play in our communities.

  10. 30 Sep

    Today, we honor those who have lost a son or daughter while serving our country. We will never forget the sacrifices made by these heroes.

  11. 28 Sep

    House passage of 2.0 means more good news for hardworking Americans and their paychecks. Click here to learn what permanent tax cuts for families and small businesses means for folks here in

  12. 27 Sep

    Last December signed the in to law. This week we are voting to make these historic tax cuts permanent for families and small businesses so our economy can continue to grow.

  13. 17 Sep

    On this day in 1787, 39 delegates signed the document that remains the bedrock of American society. Today and every day we celebrate our Founding Fathers and the vision they had for our country. Happy

  14. 11 Sep

    We will never forget September 11, 2001 and all those lost. Let us also remember our first responders and the sacrifices these brave men and women made on this day seventeen years ago. Today and every day I am thankful for their sacrifice.

  15. 6 Sep

    The families of our military men and women also make great sacrifices for our nation. Yesterday, I was honored to help them as I joined to prep care packages for the spouses of our service members deployed around the world.

  16. 6 Sep

    Yesterday, the House passed a bipartisan bill that will empower students to achieve their dreams of attending college through better financial aid counseling for students receiving federal aid. Click here to learn more →

  17. 5 Sep

    I was honored to join last week as he issued an executive order that will help the 42 million Americans working for small businesses find easier ways to save for retirement. Click here to learn more→ Official White House Photo by Shealah Craighead

  18. 7 Agt

    Today for please join me in remembering the brave men and women of the U.S. military and the sacrifices they’ve made to defend our great nation.

  19. 4 Agt

    Happy 228th birthday to the ! Thank you to all the men & women of the USCG who have defended our nation's ports & maritime borders over the last two centuries.

  20. 3 Agt

    This year the House has provided critical resources to help communities like those in that have been devastated by the .

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