Ways and Means Dems인증된 계정


Official Twitter Feed of the House Ways and Means Committee Democrats. Updates from Democratic staff.

가입일: 2009년 4월


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  1. 10월 19일

    Republicans wrote their tax law for the big corporations and the wealthiest Americans, not average families.

  2. 10월 19일

    When Republicans "passed their massive, deficit-funded tax cut, they promised it would help working people and pay for itself with economic growth." The actual result? "...the rich getting richer as working people’s wages have remained almost stagnant.”

  3. 10월 19일

    It’s pretty clear who’s benefitting the most from Republican policies like their tax law:

  4. 10월 19일
  5. 10월 19일
  6. 10월 19일

    Instead of admitting that their tax cuts for the rich caused the deficit to skyrocket, Republicans are calling for cuts to Medicare and Social Security.

  7. 님이 리트윗했습니다
    10월 18일

    Democrats are working to lower your health care costs and prescription drug prices. Republicans trying to take health care from millions of Americans AGAIN. It's not hard to see who’s working , and who’s... not.

  8. 10월 18일

    After giving the wealthiest Americans massive tax cuts, “Mr. McConnell has shown just who he wants to foot the bill: the elderly, the poor, and the sick.”

  9. 10월 18일

    No surprise here: “The deficit is rising, so Republicans want to cut Social Security and Medicare”

  10. 10월 18일

    Republicans are talking out of both sides of their mouths. They claim they want to keep protections for Americans with pre-existing medical conditions, but they also support a lawsuit that seeks to undo those exact safeguards. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

  11. 10월 18일

    “A simple analysis of what Treasury reported shows that virtually the entire deficit increase was because the tax cut enacted in December reduced revenues substantially.”

  12. 10월 18일

    Republicans refuse to take responsibility for their failed tax policy. Instead, they want to cut the Social Security and Medicare benefits you’ve paid into and earned throughout your life.

  13. 10월 17일

    This is yet another example of President Trump making empty promises based on fantasy, not facts. The Republican tax cuts aren’t reducing the deficit, they’re doing the exact opposite.

  14. 10월 17일

    Republicans promised that their tax law would pay for itself. It doesn’t.

  15. 10월 17일

    Last year, we predicted that Republicans would do this. It was their plan all along to give unsustainable tax cuts to the rich and then use the massive deficit that policy caused as an excuse to slash Medicare and Social Security.

  16. 10월 17일

    Republicans claimed that their tax law was written to benefit the middle class. Turns out, it doesn’t.

  17. 10월 17일

    Fact check: Republican proposals to protect people with pre-existing conditions don’t hold water. In reality, the GOP is actively trying to dismantle the effective safeguards that are already in place.

  18. 님이 리트윗했습니다
    10월 17일

    DON'T pay for themselves. The is causing the largest deficit in six years. Republicans are using the growing deficit to make big cuts to , , and .

  19. 10월 17일

    “There are several ways to ask the question, ‘Are tax cuts paying for themselves?’ Based on the data we have right now, they all arrive at the same answer: ‘No.’”

  20. 10월 16일

    On the campaign trail, Donald Trump declared that he is “the king of debt.” As President, he’s living up to that title, and the American people are on the hook for his financial recklessness.


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