Ron WydenOvěřený účet


U.S. Senator from Oregon. Ranking Member. Follow for updates from my staff. Instagram:

Připojil se únor 2011


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  1. Připnutý tweet
    11. 10.

    It’s time for and risk-limiting audits to secure our elections and ensure every American’s vote counts. Our movement has momentum. With people power, we can protect our democracy.

  2. před 1 hodinou

    The Trump Administration turned a tax break meant to revitalize struggling communities into a boondoggle for wealthy investors. Trump will stop at nothing to enrich his real estate buddies and put a Trump Tower on every corner of America.

  3. před 2 hodinami

    Your Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security and coverage for pre-existing conditions are all at risk. I will fight tooth and nail to ensure that these vital resources for America's seniors are safeguarded from political games.

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  4. před 2 hodinami

    This is a brazen attempt by Republicans to dupe American taxpayers into paying for tax breaks for wealthy executives and corporations.

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  5. před 2 hodinami

    🚨After passing a deficit-exploding corporate handout, is setting up cuts to critical protections for seniors & Americans with pre-existing conditions. 🚨

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  6. před 16 hodinami

    So proud to continue supporting the amazing Oregon women entrepreneurs backed by & to meet with so many of them today in Portland.

  7. před 22 hodinami

    I’ll be having my 2nd of the year in Wasco, Gilliam, Umatilla, Union & Baker counties. These townhalls this week are open-to-all & I hope to hear from lots of Oregonians about their priorities. More details about the townhalls are here:

  8. 21. 10.

    Enjoyed seeing so many friends last night at the Harvest Dinner in Portland. Thanks for the great work that staff and volunteers do every day to .

  9. 20. 10.

    Looking forward very much to joining these dynamic women entrepreneurs in Portland on Sunday.

  10. 20. 10.

    Congratulations to Sew Go Outdoors and for your well-deserved success at . Successful entrepreneurs like you are why outdoor recreation is an unstoppable economic engine in Oregon and nationwide.

  11. 20. 10.

    It’s been 50 years since Dick Fosbury of Medford & revolutionized track & field with his gold-medal winning flop at the Olympics in Mexico. What an incredible legacy!

  12. 20. 10.

    The Saudi government finally admits to killing Washington Post columnist Jamal Khashoggi. Its excuse doesn’t pass the laugh test. The US can’t go along with this charade.

  13. 19. 10.

    Briefed today in Medford about the Klondike fire & other wildfires still burning this Oct. in S. Oregon. Big thanks to all the firefighters battling these blazes. I’ll continue working to provide the resources needed, & for more common-sense reforms to federal wildfire policies.

  14. 19. 10.

    Thanks for this morning’s powerful conversation in southern Oregon about education, civil liberties, wildfires, gun violence, climate change & more. Students came well-prepared with fantastic questions and I very much enjoyed

  15. 19. 10.

    which is why I support legislation that would prohibit this awful discriminatory practice.

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  16. 19. 10.

    States are trapping thousands of children in foster care by allowing taxpayer-funded foster care providers to refuse adoption and child welfare services to would be parents on the basis of religion, gender identity, sexual orientation.

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  17. 19. 10.

    Important story in on how states are allowing faith-based, taxpayer funded foster care providers to discriminate in the name of religion.

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  18. 19. 10.

    @stevemnuchin1 submitted his 2017 financial disclosure months ago, but it’s still waiting for a stamp of approval by the top government ethics official. We want to confirm whether @stevemnuchin1 fully divested from all financial interest in Sears.

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  19. 19. 10.

    Specifically, Mnuchin was a director while the company slashed worker pensions, and he was among a small circle of investors who benefited as his old college roommate laid workers off and sucked the value out of the company & its holdings.

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  20. 19. 10.

    ., and I are demanding confirmation from that he will recuse himself from overseeing the bankruptcy, having been a director of the company.

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  21. 19. 10.
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