Joaquin CastroOverený účet


Texas Congressman, Member of the House Foreign Affairs and House Intelligence Committees & host of

San Antonio, Texas
Na Twitteri od: december 2010


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  1. Retweetol používateľ
    pred 6 hodinami

    U.S. general shot and wounded in Kandahar, but U.S. military tries to cover it up. Good scoop via ⁦

  2. pred 10 hodinami

    It was great to join the . is a truly terrible disease and we must continue working together to fund research and find a cure.

  3. Retweetol používateľ
    pred 24 hodinami

    NEW: Trump publicly backs Saudi Arabia but privately complains that Jared Kushner’s close relationship with the crown prince has become a liability and left the White House with no good options, U.S. officials say.

  4. Retweetol používateľ
    pred 23 hodinami
    V odpovedi používateľovi

    I like to travel on buses & train for going long travel. I like the buses to be safe, too...However, I won't allowing immig to padding me down & violating my right, too...

  5. Retweetol používateľ
    21. 10.

    Trump’s immigration policy is a total failure. He told us that if we abused families by taking the little children from their parents, it would deter more families from coming. He was wrong.

  6. pred 23 hodinami

    Greyhound faces challenges over cooperation with immigration checks on its buses

  7. Retweetol používateľ
    20. 10.
  8. 20. 10.

    I hope will make make a correction as other media outlets did yesterday.

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  9. 20. 10.

    I’m asking — based on concerns raised in previous reporting — for an investigation into whether Kushner or another Trump official shared classified US Intel that has been used by the Saudis to target disssidents, including .

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  10. 20. 10.

    As I clarified yesterday about a similar headline, I’m not accusing Jared Kushner of orchestrating any such thing. If it came across that way, then my words conveyed the wrong thing. 1/2

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  11. Retweetol používateľ
    20. 10.

    A record 15.8 million Texans are registered to vote for November's midterm elections

  12. Retweetol používateľ
    20. 10.

    When uses such hateful rhetoric against us, he's not just attacking our immigrant communities. He's attacking our country's values & history. America's diversity isn't some kind of deficiency like he'd have you believe. Our diversity is a source of our strength!

  13. Retweetol používateľ
    19. 10.

    The Russian efforts to interfere in our political affairs did not end in 2016, they didn’t even pause. Today's indictment shows that Russian disinformation efforts are ongoing and sophisticated, and they are intent on dividing us and weakening our society and political system.

  14. Retweetol používateľ
    19. 10.

    Breaking News: The Justice Department accused Russians of interfering in the midterms, charging an employee of a Putin ally in an elaborate social media plot.

  15. Retweetol používateľ
    19. 10.

    Wonder where someone could get the idea that Mexico is just sending drugs, crime, and rapists to the U.S.? Maybe they're watching too much TV.

  16. Retweetol používateľ
    19. 10.

    Piece updated with 's clarification that he wasn't trying to accuse Kushner of orchestrating the Khashoggi slaying.

  17. 19. 10.

    For these reasons, Congress should open an investigation to see whether or any other Admin official shared any US intelligence with the Saudis that led to any political persecution, including the killing of . (7/7)

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  18. 19. 10.
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  19. 19. 10.
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  20. 19. 10.
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