Judy Chu認証済みアカウント


Proudly representing California's 27th District in the U.S. House of Representatives. Ways and Means. Small Business. Chair of .

Pasadena, CA


  1. 10月17日

    Access to healthcare, fair pay, the ability to serve our country, or the right to be a family are LGBTQ issues too. I'm proud to fight for equality, and proudly wear this 100 on the from as a badge of honor!

  2. 10月3日

    While the Senate considers the sexual assault allegations against Judge Kavanaugh, it's also important to remember that he has a judicial record that is hostile to women. That's why I led ~100 House members in a letter urging the Senate to

  3. 9月28日

    I was in the Senate Judiciary Committee room, where 11 men voted to ignore a woman’s credible accusation of sexual assault without even an investigation. This vote sends the message to women & victims that their voices do not matter.

  4. 9月28日

    Women of standing w/ Dr. Ford. Her allegations are credible & deserve to be investigated. It's not just about who should be on the Supreme Court, it's about who should be believed. It's time we stop silencing victims through doubt, and give them a voice in fact finding.

  5. 9月25日

    Proud to stand with the TPS-holders who have been here at our invitation and have made America their home. We are stronger than xenophobia.

  6. 9月18日

    I’m joining today to hear about how the Trump Administration’s family separation policies impact Southern California families. We must .

  7. 9月18日
  8. 9月13日

    Trickle down does not work. Thanks to the skewed , corporations are getting richer, but not sharing the profit. Just 4.4% of Fortune 500 workers got a raise or bonus. Now, Republicans are trying to make this inequality permanent as we markup today.

  9. 9月12日

    When trying to think about just how many craftspeople it takes to make movies and TV, remember that has an entire department for making drapes. Thank you Deborah Riley, the show’s production designer, for helping to highlight these good paying jobs worth protecting

  10. 9月12日

    Each color is a different director. Each column a different team. 500 different directing teams were involved in bringing ’s Westeros to life. That’s a lot of good jobs for artists and technicians in the arts and why I’m proud to support creators

  11. 9月7日

    On my way to the Senate to attend Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation hearing. His nomination poses a risk to our rights and our healthcare for a generation.

  12. 8月21日

    If your DACA expired on or after September 5, 2016 you may submit a DACA renewal application. Apply with USCIS →

  13. 8月6日

    It was great joining and local innovators in my district to learn about the challenges they face in growing their business and protecting IP. Looking forward to taking their feedback back to Washington and see what I can do to help

  14. 8月6日

    This meeting was primarily about adoptions.

  15. 8月1日

    Thanks to the GOP's rush to pass tax cuts for the wealthiest, ~1 in 5 taxpayers will end up OWING the IRS next year due to withholding changes. The IRS will waive penalties for corporations & last week, I urged them to do the same for individuals and

  16. 7月26日

    It was wonderful to meet with advocates from Southern California Resource Services for Independent Living () to discuss how Congress can provide funding to help youth with disabilities transition into education and employment opportunities.

  17. 7月25日

    Republicans claimed their was to help . But today I walked my colleagues through the complexities of the pass through deduction. Did you know that by 2024, 61% of these benefits will go to top 1%? The tax scam was a gift to the rich.

  18. 7月25日

    Proud to wear to stand with federal employees against President Trump's attacks on workers.

  19. 7月25日

    After kidnapping their children, the Trump administration is making immigrant parents pay just to speak to them on the phone. This only worsens the trauma of separation. This week, I signed a letter calling for an end to this policy.

  20. 7月24日

    The magic of Hollywood comes to Washington, thanks to the hard work of below the line workers like gaffers and cameramen and sound technicians. All of whom are hurt by piracy, which makes it harder for them to earn a living make works we love.



