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Sen. James Lankford
Serving the State of Oklahoma in the United States Senate
Sen. James Lankford 18h
It is good for the US to finally have a National Cyber Strategy in place to secure critical networks, effectively deter & respond to bad actors, & protect our economy while promoting a free and open internet. This has been a significant need for years.
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Sen. James Lankford 23h
September is —a time for us to pause and say thank you to the hard-working volunteers, employees, and contributors who give to our children and youth. Thank you for continuing to provide care, mentorship, and encouragement.
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Sen. James Lankford Sep 19
During this National Historically Black Colleges and Universities Week, we celebrate the vital role of HBCUs like in OK. We honor their legacy of promoting equal opportunities in higher education for many young people across America.
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Sen. James Lankford Sep 18
US should be a nation that refugees can legally flee from religious or other persecution. America has a responsibility to promote compassion & democracy around the world. We should continue to be that leader
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Sen. James Lankford Sep 18
I would like to wish the Oklahoma Jewish community and Jewish families around the world a meaningful Yom Kippur. I pray for peace and helpful reflection during this important time for the Jewish people.
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Sen. James Lankford Sep 18
Happy 71st Birthday to the ! OK is home to the finest Air Force bases— , , & . Thank you to the men & women who have served & continue to serve and sacrifice for this great nation in the US Air Force.
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Sen. James Lankford retweeted
National Taxpayers Union Sep 18
Congratulations on being the highest scoring Taxpayers’ Friend Award recipient in the Senate! Than you for all your work on behalf taxpayers!
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Sen. James Lankford Sep 17
This is a crisis that is all too real to in OK. We must continue to assist families who are directly impacted by focusing on prevention, treatment, and recovery, & we must make every effort to bring non-addictive opioid alternatives for ppl who live w/chronic pain
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Sen. James Lankford Sep 17
Today's Act address prevention, trafficking, access to drug disposals, support for NIH alternative pain treatments funding, & reauthorizes funding for 21st Century Cures Act.
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Sen. James Lankford Sep 17
On this , may we celebrate that the 1st Amendment gives the rights of free speech, press, assembly, & the ability to live and practice any faith or have no faith at all.
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Sen. James Lankford Sep 14
I'm praying for our friends as they endure . I am grateful for the Oklahoma volunteers headed to help with relief efforts across the East Coast.
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Sen. James Lankford Sep 12
Great to have fellow OK redhead in DC to honor our farmers & ranchers. Ree is a great example of US entrepreneurship, and her family shows the grit and hard work of US farmers & ranchers. Pawhuska has grown into one of OKs must-see destinations.
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Sen. James Lankford Sep 11
Thank you for sending crews to assist our friends in North Carolina as they prepare for . and the is on the way!
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Sen. James Lankford retweeted
HE&M Saw Sep 11
visited our Pryor OK facilities today to speak with our Presedent, Doug Harris, about the importance of Oklahoma manufacturing.
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Sen. James Lankford Sep 11
While in Pryor, I visited with students at , met with the , and stopped by to see their different models of band saws.
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Sen. James Lankford Sep 11
Replying to @SenatorLankford
Our nation remembers the thousands of lives lost when terrorists murdered innocent Americans, simply because they were Americans. We should pray, remember, and show our resolve to stand against anyone who seeks to snuff out the light of freedom in our world.
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Sen. James Lankford Sep 11
Today, seniors in high school sit in class with no memories of the day in their lives when the term ‘9/11’ was just an emergency number; they know it also as a date that forever changed our country and the world.
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Sen. James Lankford Sep 11
I will join the Pryor Area Chamber of Commerce at 11:45 a.m. If you are nearby, I hope we are able to connect.
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Sen. James Lankford Sep 10
It was good to spend time with students at Broken Bow HS, tour the Tyson Foods facility, and conclude my visit in Broken Bow with a Community Conversation at the chamber. I’m looking forward to my day in Pryor tomorrow.
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Sen. James Lankford Sep 10
I’d like to wish all our Jewish friends and neighbors in OK and around the nation a happy . May you and your families have a sweet new year!
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