Senator Jon TesterAccount verificato


Third-generation Montana farmer. Proud grandfather. Former school teacher. Flattop icon. Trumpet player. Montana's senior Senator.

Iscrizione a marzo 2012


  1. 2 ore fa

    Before our bipartisan Veterans Appeals Improvement and Modernization Act was signed into law last summer, the disability appeals process hadn’t been reformed since 1933. This new system will make sure can choose an appeals path that works for them.

  2. 19 ott

    Today's goes out to (R-GA). As Ranking Member of the VA Committee, I couldn't ask for a better . With help from both sides of the aisle, we're making sure our veterans get the care & benefits they've earned.

  3. 18 ott
  4. 18 ott

    In December, signed my bill to declassify the records of Billings veteran John Olsen who was unknowingly exposed to chemical agents as part of Project SHAD. Now, John can use these records to apply for disability benefits.

  5. 16 ott

    On June 6, signed our into law, calling it a “historic moment.” The now has one year to implement it & I’ll be holding them accountable to ensure they use the tools we’ve given them to get the job done right.

  6. 16 ott

    Weston is a Gold Star son & Fry Scholar attending . The expands the Yellow Ribbon Program to pre-9/11 veterans & their families, letting students like Weston use his father’s education benefits to help pay for school. READ MORE:

  7. 15 ott

    Jon is an Iraq & Afghanistan veteran from Lewistown. As a STEM student, he takes field courses that the G.I. Bill doesn’t cover. With the , Jon can get in the field and not worry about how much his degree requirements will cost. READ MORE:

  8. 12 ott

    Dedicating today’s to the & all the men and women who risk life and limb to keep our communities safe.

  9. 10 ott

    It’s an honor to receive the Harry S. Truman Award for Distinguished Service in Support of National Defense from . I will never stop fighting to honor those who bravely serve our nation, especially our citizen soldiers and airmen of the .

  10. 10 ott

    Starting last week, health insurance companies now have permission to sell long-term junk plans to Montana families. That’s why I’m sponsoring legislation to stop corporations from shilling shoddy plans that don’t cover Montanans’ basic health care needs.

  11. 6 ott

    As someone who still lives in the tiny town I grew up in, I firmly believe that there is no better place to live, work & raise a family than rural America. That's why, as a Senator, I'm working hard to tackle our challenges & increase opportunities across rural America.

  12. 5 ott
  13. 5 ott

    When corporations sell their workers down the river, they shouldn't be able to cash in on the backs of taxpayers. That’s why I’m introducing a bill to eliminate tax breaks for corporations—like —that lockout workers out during labor disputes.

  14. 4 ott

    This morning I had the honor of presenting an American flag to the families of the 103 firefighters who died in the line of duty this year. As Co-Chair of the Congressional Fire Services Caucus, I will continue to make sure our country does right by these heroes.

  15. 4 ott

    BIG NEWS: My bill to reauthorize LWCF cleared the Senate Energy & Natural Resources Committee yesterday! It will now head to the full Senate for debate and I will be urging my colleagues to and . READ MORE ->

  16. 2 ott

    There are some places you just shouldn’t dig or drill & the doorstep of is one of them. That’s why I’ve been fighting to get my Yellowstone Gateway Protection Act to the President’s desk & today it cleared a major hurdle! READ MORE:

  17. 1 ott

    A good education is the key to a great future. That’s why I met with folks representing Native American schools across Montana last week to brainstorm solutions for improving education in Indian Country so we can set students up for success.

  18. 28 set

    My statement on the confirmation of Judge Brett Kavanaugh to the United States Supreme Court:

  19. 26 set

    “Do any of you sell personal information? Yes or no?” That's what I asked tech execs at the hearing. The right to privacy is enshrined in our Constitution & we need to make sure it's protected—not just on paper, but online. Watch more here:

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  20. 26 set

    Have a crazy day here in the Senate! Kicked things off with Montana Coffee, a few interviews, and a whole mess of meetings. Just grilled top tech execs at the hearing on data collection & online privacy. Follow along with updates below!

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