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Đã tham gia tháng 2 năm 2016


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    Confirmed, 50-48: Brett M. Kavanaugh, of Maryland, to be an Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States.

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    PresTrump as commander in chief is right to defend country/borders & stop the attack on natl sovereignty from the 7000+ migrant caravan heading to USA. Not fair to legal immigrants going through proper LEGAL process We need to help Trump admin secure border+close immig loopholes

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  3. Chairman is seeking details on a DOJ Inspector General investigation into a former senior FBI official who accepted sports tickets from a TV reporter then lacked candor when questioned about it.

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  4. "And it's unfair to the American people...As a result of Democratic delay tactics, there are now 154 current and future judicial vacancies, 63 of which are classified as judicial emergencies...The judiciary simply cannot afford further obstruction from your side."—

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  5. "'It's unfair to the nominees, who have already flown to Washington D.C. and made travel arrangements for their families to further delay this hearing,' said..., pointing to previous postponements for hearings."

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  7. In letter to Democrats, outlines multiple accommodations granted to the Ranking Member and her agreement to hold nominations hearings in October.

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    Chairman : "I will not be able to grant your request for a fourth postponement. The hearing will proceed as we agreed on October 17."

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    Senate Republicans have confirmed a record 84 total judges this Congress.

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  12. "The Chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee is pressing Google to explain its data privacy practices in the wake of revelations that user data was hacked from its now defunct social media platform, Google Plus."

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  13. . Chairman calling on Google to explain why it failed to disclose data vulnerability that it was aware of when it refused to testify on data privacy in April.

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  15. Missing Children's Assistance Act, authored by and advanced by has been signed into law. It continues federal support of state and local efforts to recover missing and exploited children.

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    Thanks to the hard work of and the Committee, we’ve been able to confirm 84 of ’ judges during this Congress to lifetime appointments on the federal bench—including two Supreme Court Justices and a record number of circuit court judges.

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    Glad to report that so far this Congress the Senate has confirmed 84 federal judges (2 SCOTUS+29 circuit+53 district judges) incl. 16 just this past wk & I expect we will confirm all remaining judges on floor + any more judges the judic cmte processes this yr b4 end of Congress

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    Music to my ears-I attended Pres Trump signing Music Modernization Act at the White House. Bill passd unanimously I led thru Judic Cmte along w Sen Hatch This bill brings outdated music licensing laws into the 21st century &creates fairer marketplace for songwriters/producers/etc

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    The judic cmte just sent 8 more judges to the full Senate for final votes Total judges on floor now 49: 4 circuit + 43 district + 2 fed claims nominees Lots of work to do Senate shld stay in session til ALL 49 judges are CONFIRMED / work comes b4 campaigning

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