Rep. Barbara LeeTài khoản được xác nhận


Progressive Democrat representing the . Promoting justice for all, peace, & human rights. Co-Chair. Proud member of the .

Washington, DC and Oakland, CA
Đã tham gia tháng 2 năm 2011
Sinh ngày 16 tháng 7


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    Even after this incredibly difficult week, I still have hope. Today, we are one step closer to bringing President Trump to justice and restoring checks and balances to our democracy.

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  2. . thinks they can get away with cutting Medicare and Social Security to pay for their trillion dollar . They think no one is paying attention. Let’s prove them wrong.

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  3. American families know the truth about the : It was never – it was crafted to benefit the wealthy at the expense of working families and the poor.

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  4. Social Security, & other programs prevented 44 MILLION(!) Americans from falling into poverty last year. These programs work – we can’t let dismantle them.

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  5. In California alone, 1.3 million people could lose their healthcare if the Trump Administration guts the . I’m working with to protect Californians with pre-existing conditions. We must !

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    It doesn’t matter if you’re Republican, Democrat, or Independent — if Congress doesn’t restore , you’ll be paying more to access your favorites sites & apps. We need to pass the CRA to restore !

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  7. 22% of all people living with in the U.S. are Hispanic/Latinx. 1 out of every 6 are unaware of their status. Every community needs culturally-competent HIV education, prevention, and treatment programs. As we mark this week, let’s keep working together to .

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  8. “Do you pay the hospital bill or do you pay the utility bill? We’re part of that percentage of America that are one paycheck from being destitute.” This is the health care reality for too many. And if succeed, they will only make it worse for the sick and the poor.

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  9. This is a win for students across the US, who were exploited by fraudulent, predatory lenders. And we won’t forget that as consumers worked to hold ITT & Corinthian accountable, Secretary Betsy DeVos defended corporate interests over students.

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  10. . thinks massive new tax cuts for billionaires should be paid for with your Social Security and Medicare. That’s their platform. That’s their agenda. Don’t forget.

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  11. President Trump & ’s America: where billionaires get corporate welfare while children and seniors go hungry. This is immoral, plain and simple. Congress can do better – by working , not for the richest.

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    17 thg 10

    President doesn't have time for these 7 excuses not to vote.

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  13. What an incredible honor – thank you, . I’m proud to work alongside you to fight discrimination and ensure all Americans are treated with respect & dignity under the law. Onward.

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    Gender discrimination means that women have far fewer resources to cope with poverty, which results in losses for the entire society & economy. Women’s economic empowerment is 🔑 to & achieve all the other .

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    On Wednesday's Day, help achieve the for a world of dignity and human rights for all by 2030:

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  16. Saudi Arabia, with U.S. backing, is starving millions of civilians. Congress could end U.S. complicity in this war today – and send a powerful message to Saudi Arabia on human rights.

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    “If EPA won't let me tell about how children are being poisoned, I'll just tell the mothers and fathers directly. I have that right, whether or not EPA wants me on their staff.” – Dr. Etzel, on her dismissal from the Office of Children's Health Protection

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  18. I just don’t know how any member of can look at this chart, and then justify making seniors living on a fixed income pay for special new tax breaks for Wall Street. The American people need a Congress that will fight , not line the pockets of billionaires.

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    Join us at the earthquake preparedness fair at Civic Center Park this Thursday from 10:30am-1pm. We'll have an earthquake simulator, experts, and preparedness materials.

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    & cynical agenda: massive, unpaid-for handouts to big corporations - then stick seniors, children & families w bill. GOP believes America can afford tax cuts for billionaires, but not benefits seniors have earned😠

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    House Republicans exploded the deficit with their for the wealthy and big corporations, and now they're going to cut Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid to make up the difference. Do Republicans even care about working families?

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