(((Rep. Nadler)))Tài khoản được xác nhận


Representing parts of Manhattan and Brooklyn. I serve as Ranking Member of . Follow me at

New York, NY
Đã tham gia tháng 5 năm 2009


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    Make sure you are subscribed for my E-newsletter to get news, updates, and information about my work in Congress.

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    Despite all of his claims – all of his promises – Donald Trump has failed to stem the tide of rising prescription drug prices. But aren’t sitting around – we’re fighting hard to enact a real plan to end prescription drug price gouging

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    I have been beaten, my skull fractured, and arrested more than forty times so that each and every person has the right to register and vote. Friends of my gave their lives. Do your part. Get out there and vote like you’ve never voted before.

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  4. Despite saying he supports protections for those with pre-existing conditions, his Administration is making it harder to get access to healthcare. Democrats are working to protect quality care for all.

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  5. This heartbreaking article spells out why the Pregnancy Discrimination Act still leaves women behind and why Congress must pass the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act, a bill I first introduced in 2012. No woman should have to choose between her job and a healthy pregnancy.

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    Middle-income earners wouldn't need a new tax cut if the Republican tax law had actually been for the middle class, as President Trump had promised.

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  7. Changing federal definitions cannot, and will not, erase trans Americans. We will fight to ensure that all LGBT individuals are protected under the law. Trump Administration Eyes Defining Transgender Out of Existence via

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    . & : “Heritage Foundation’s ‘Federal Clerkship Training Academy’ is the latest effort by conservatives to undermine the impartiality of the federal judiciary.” More here:

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    🚨NEW: & demand President Trump disclose payments from the Saudi royal family and government during his time in office, in clear violation of the Constitution’s Foreign Emoluments Clause. More here:

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    This is you and all your friends laughing hysterically about gutting preexisting conditions a year ago. You thought we forgot?

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  12. Republicans have attempted to undermine or repeal the Affordable Care Act over 70 times w/o a replacement. Now is refusing to defend constitutional challenges to the , which would gut coverage for people with pre-existing conditions. This is an outright lie.

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    I couldn’t be more proud to stand for LGBTQ equality and receive a 100 on ’s Congressional Scorecard. No one should be discriminated against because of who they are, or who they love, and I will continue to fight for unambiguous, nationwide protections for all.

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  14. Thank you for the warm welcome tonight and the opportunity to give my Washington report and to represent you and in Congress.

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  15. Whether arising from the right or left side of the political spectrum, we all must stand up and speak out against anti-Semitism and all kinds of hatred.

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  16. I couldn’t be more proud to stand for LGBTQ equality and receive a 100 on ’s Congressional Scorecard. No one should be discriminated against because of who they are, or who they love, and I will continue to fight for unambiguous, nationwide protections for all.

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  17. Joined today to discuss what is happening in Washington and the need for real oversight of the Department of Justice, including much-needed criminal justice reform. Listen here:

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  18. Conflating the interference by Russian and Chinese actors is irresponsible and demonstrates the White House’s partisan approach to the unprecedented Russian actions to undermine our democracy. Read my statement w/ , , , & here:

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    “Chauvinist President acts like a chauvinist” is an evergreen headline. “Republican leaders are complacent and silent in the face of Trump’s misogyny” is an evergreen subheading.

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  20. The antisemitic attacks in Boro Park and Crown Heights these last few days are reprehensible and hate crimes. These individuals must be prosecuted and a message must be sent loudly that hate has no place in NYC.

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  21. As predicted, wants to cut Medicare & Social Security - hurting the most vulnerable in our communities - to combat the massive hole the blew in the deficit. Democrats are committed to preserving these vital benefits .

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