Mark Meadows인증된 계정


Businessman, husband, and father proudly representing North Carolina's 11th Congressional District. Chairman of .

Jackson County, NC
가입일: 2012년 11월


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  1. 님이 리트윗했습니다
    10월 19일

    Rod Rosenstein wants a SPECIAL format to testify: only 2 Rep and 2 Dem members of Congress asking questions in closed door classified setting. Another example of the double standard. One set of rules for regular folks, a different set for the politically connected. Unacceptable.

  2. 10월 19일

    Rod Rosenstein declines to show up before Congress and then asks for special treatment. He wants his interview to be private, in a SCIF, with multiple members excluded. There should be NO double standard. Show up and tell the truth under the same conditions as everyone else.

  3. 10월 18일

    Based on additional information we've learned over the last week, it is clear Rod Rosenstein should resign immediately. He has not cooperated with Congress, failed to be transparent about his actions, and shown a lack of candor in the way he's characterized a number of events.

  4. 10월 18일

    Rod Rosenstein gave an interview to Wall Street Journal today, after failing to show up in Congress last week to answer questions. By hiding from Congress and making time for media interviews, Mr. Rosenstein has made his priorities clear. It seems transparency isn't one of them.

  5. 10월 17일

    UPU implemented price control subsidies for China to ship their goods to the U.S. at an unfairly cheap rate. In many cases you could ship products from Shanghai to Western NC more cheaply than you could from NC to Virginia.

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  6. 10월 17일
  7. 10월 17일

    Huge news: is withdrawing the U.S. from the Universal Postal Union. I've advocated for ending these foreign postal subsides for years because they put American small businesses at an incredible disadvantage. Another promise kept.

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  8. 10월 17일

    Amazing--first time since 2008 that America has been #1. And it's no accident. The pro-worker, pro-business, and 'America First' policies from this administration work.

  9. 10월 17일

    - Clinton campaign pays Fusion GPS - Fusion GPS hires Glenn Simpson - Glenn Simpson hires Chris Steele and Nellie Ohr - Steele funnels the fake dossier to Nellie's husband--Bruce Ohr - Bruce Ohr gives dossier to the FBI Today, Glenn Simpson took the 5th We're getting closer

  10. 님이 리트윗했습니다
    10월 16일

    said the panel will be having discussions in the “coming days” on whether they will move to hold Simpson in contempt for refusing to testify. "You cannot just invoke the Fifth to avoid answering congressional questions,” Meadows told reporters.

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  11. 님이 리트윗했습니다
    10월 16일

    IG found criminal wrong-doing by an FBI official and DOJ refused to prosecute. Should be a MUCH bigger story. Where is AG Sessions? When will there be justice?

  12. 10월 16일

    Total hypocrisy. DOJ prosecutes Mike Flynn and George Papadopoulos for lying to the FBI. But a senior FBI official accepted free gifts from a media member, lied to the FBI about it, and faces no prosecution. With the DOJ: 'Lying to the FBI is a crime for thee--but not for me.'

  13. 님이 리트윗했습니다
    10월 15일

    Still haven’t received from DOJ: -McCabe memos -Rosenstein 8/2/17 memo altering scope of Mueller probe -Unredacted Page FISA App -Bruce Ohr 302’s -Briefing from US Attorney John Huber And now Rosenstein won’t testify and Glenn Simpson takes the 5th.

  14. 10월 15일

    What an honor to be in the White House on Saturday welcoming North Carolina's Pastor Andrew Brunson home--finally free after two years. Praise God for his safe return. Thank you and the administration for your commitment to making it happen.

  15. 10월 13일

    Happy 243rd birthday to the U.S. ! Thank you to all our brave men and women who serve and work so hard to make America's Navy the strongest in the world. You are the best of us!

  16. 10월 13일

    What a powerful image and reminder of the blessings we enjoy in America. Thrilled for Pastor Brunson's return home today.

  17. 님이 리트윗했습니다
    10월 11일

    Clearly angers Republicans. “It is very telling when Glenn Simpson has talked to multiple reporters and multiple individuals at the Department of Justice over the last two years. When the day of reckoning is on the horizon, he chooses to lose his voice,” told me.

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  18. 10월 12일

    Amazing news and an answer to prayer. Tremendous work by President Trump and the administration team pushing for this. We look forward to your return, Pastor Brunson!

  19. 님이 리트윗했습니다
    10월 11일

    You know we’re getting close when first Rosenstein is a no-show, and now Glenn Simpson is taking the 5th.

  20. 10월 11일

    Rod Rosenstein doesn’t show today. Now Fusion's Glenn Simpson reportedly takes the Fifth. At some point, we have to realize: the problem has never been President Trump. The problem is the coordinated effort to undermine him... and those who will stop at nothing to cover it up.


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