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House Democrats
House Democratic Caucus of the United States Congress. Chairman , Vice Chair ,
House Democrats 14h
The benefited the wealthiest corporations at the expense of working families—and Republicans are now admitting that it's not worth their time to try and convince Americans otherwise.
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Rep. Lois Frankel 17h
It's attacks like these that keep survivors from coming forward & why, even to this day, the majority of sexual assaults are NEVER reported. Mr. President, your attempt to discredit Dr. Ford is shameful & cowardly.
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Ann McLane Kuster 18h
As a survivor who didn't share my own assault for 40 yrs I believe Dr. Ford & understand the difficulty of coming forward due to stigma placed on survivors. comments are reprehensible. If you/someone you know needs support visit
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Rep. Stephanie Murphy Sep 20
A year ago, hit Puerto Rico. Today we look back and honor the American lives lost or upended. Today is also a day to look forward and affirm our commitment to . Those who seek true equality for island residents will always have an ally in me.
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Rep. Stacey Plaskett Sep 20
Let's not FORGET that the Virgin Islands was also hit by not only Hurricane Irma BUT also hurricane Maria. America please don't forget about the Virgin Islands - we are apart of AMERICA.
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Rep. Terri A. Sewell Sep 20
Today marks one year since Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands were hit by devastating - but PR and VI are still rebuilding. I saw that firsthand when I visited earlier this year. We can’t allow these Americans to fall through the cracks - they need our support.
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Hispanic Caucus Sep 20
A year ago struck with devastating fury. We must do more to help our fellow Americans recover and rebuild and do more to prevent future disasters.
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House Democrats Sep 19
The Republican agenda in a nutshell: slash Medicare and Social Security to pay for tax cuts for the wealthy few.
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DWWG Sep 18
. must on Brett and conduct a thorough investigation of Dr. Christine Blasey Ford’s story. The American people should be able to hear her testimony.
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House Democrats Sep 18
We’re wishing all those observing an easy and meaningful fast. G'mar Chatimah Tovah.
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Bobby L. Rush Sep 17
Replying to @RepBobbyRush
Washington Republicans have waged an all-out assault on Americans with pre-existing conditions and it is crystal clear that they will stop at nothing to erode the protections of the Affordable Care Act.
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House Democrats Sep 17
We're sending our best wishes to you both. Here's to a speedy recovery, .
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Carolyn  B. Maloney Sep 17
There is nothing scarier than not being able to afford treatment when you're sick. We need to focus on improving US health outcomes & improving healthcare coverage, not ripping it away from deserving Americans. That's why I fight to
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House Democrats Sep 16
Republicans are sabotaging our healthcare system—and it’s working. For the first time since the passage of the ACA, the number of uninsured Americans is on the rise. That’s why we’re fighting to .
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Grace Meng Sep 15
September 15 marks the beginning of National Hispanic Heritage Month! Proud to celebrate the amazing contributions of Hispanic Americans and to continue fighting for the Hispanic community in Congress.
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Rep. Lucille Roybal-Allard Sep 15
Today is the start of -- a time to salute the proud history and accomplishments of our communities, and to redouble our fight to ensure all American have the same opportunities as any other Americans to achieve a good life in this country.
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Ways and Means Dems Sep 14
Paul Ryan in 2011: “Borrowing and spending is not the way to prosperity. Today's deficits means tomorrow's tax increases, and that costs jobs. So all this borrowing and spending doesn't work.” Speaker Ryan’s GOP House today:
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Nat Resources Dems Sep 13
BREAKING: Today we’re launching , a 10-part series exposing how Natural Resources Committee Republicans are wasting taxpayer time & money and examining the issues they’ve ignored.
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Rep. Richard Neal Sep 13
As health care costs soar & Republicans continue their despicable attacks on people with pre-existing conditions, the GOP wants to give yet another unpaid-for tax cut to the wealthiest Americans. And where are working people? Stuck paying for it all.
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House Democrats Sep 13
President Trump won't acknowledge the thousands of Americans who died on his watch. And even worse, Republicans have no interest in holding this administration accountable and ensuring that Congress is prepared to respond to these disasters.
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