Senator Jon TesterTài khoản được xác nhận


Third-generation Montana farmer. Proud grandfather. Former school teacher. Flattop icon. Trumpet player. Montana's senior Senator.

Đã tham gia tháng 3 năm 2012


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  1. When I lost my fingers, we had an "accident" insurance policy that didn’t end up covering anything. That is why I’m holding insurance companies accountable and defending Montanans against junk insurance plans.

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  2. Before our bipartisan Veterans Appeals Improvement and Modernization Act was signed into law last summer, the disability appeals process hadn’t been reformed since 1933. This new system will make sure can choose an appeals path that works for them.

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  3. If you go fight for us, we’re going to take care of your health care when you get home. That’s why I worked to reform the disability appeals process and why I won’t stop pushing until has the resources to care for .

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  4. Today's goes out to (R-GA). As Ranking Member of the VA Committee, I couldn't ask for a better . With help from both sides of the aisle, we're making sure our veterans get the care & benefits they've earned.

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  5. After almost 2 years of working hand-in-hand with Johnny Isakson (R-GA) I know that bipartisanship is not just possible, but productive. By working together & finding common ground we've managed to get big things done for our veterans.

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  6. Those are just 2 of my 11 bipartisan veterans bills that have been signed into law this Congress. I will never stop fighting for our veterans.

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  7. The will make it easier for veterans to get the care they've earned. This is a bill I was proud to champion and usher to ' desk.

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  8. My VA Accountability bill is holding the accountable to Montana veterans. I was proud to work with Johnny Isakson to pass this legislation.

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  9. I’ve been working across the aisle to pass several major VA reform bills because our veterans have earned the very best.

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  11. In December, signed my bill to declassify the records of Billings veteran John Olsen who was unknowingly exposed to chemical agents as part of Project SHAD. Now, John can use these records to apply for disability benefits.

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  12. It's been 950+ days since the received scientific evidence that veterans exposed to Agent Orange are at a higher risk for bladder cancer, hyperthyroidism & other conditions—but they still haven't responded. The VA must act NOW.

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  13. On June 6, signed our into law, calling it a “historic moment.” The now has one year to implement it & I’ll be holding them accountable to ensure they use the tools we’ve given them to get the job done right.

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  14. Have you ever wondered how the sausage gets made in the United States Senate? Read the story—from start to finish—of how our landmark began with feedback from Montana veterans and ended up on the President’s desk.

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  15. Weston is a Gold Star son & Fry Scholar attending . The expands the Yellow Ribbon Program to pre-9/11 veterans & their families, letting students like Weston use his father’s education benefits to help pay for school. READ MORE:

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  16. Jon is an Iraq & Afghanistan veteran from Lewistown. As a STEM student, he takes field courses that the G.I. Bill doesn’t cover. With the , Jon can get in the field and not worry about how much his degree requirements will cost. READ MORE:

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  17. On August 16, 2017, signed my fifth bill of the year into law. Our gets rid of the arbitrary deadline for a veteran to use their G.I. Bill benefits and strengthens education benefits for generations to come.

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  18. Matt Kuntz has been a tremendous advocate for Montana veterans’ access to mental health screenings and treatment. His years of experience innovating and improving mental health treatment will be a huge asset to the .

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  19. Dedicating today’s to the & all the men and women who risk life and limb to keep our communities safe.

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  20. This week I took to the to stop the expansion of junk health insurance plans that don’t even cover the basics. Unfortunately, we fell one vote short. But I won’t stop fighting until every Montanan can see a doctor w/o breaking the bank.

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