Paul RyanOverený účet


Office of the 54th Speaker of the House, Paul Ryan.

Janesville, WI
Na Twitteri od: január 2009
Dátum narodenia: 29. januára


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  1. pred 1 hodinou

    Single-payer, government-run health care would essentially destroy and obliterate → the private health insurance system, → the employer-sponsored health insurance system, → oh and by the way—Medicare as we know it.

  2. 19. 10.

    Human trafficking exploits our country’s most vulnerable. Congress has fought hard to stop these horrific crimes from occurring in our country—60-80% of U.S. online sex advertising volume has disappeared since we passed legislation cracking down on bad-actor websites this spring.

  3. 19. 10.

    Human trafficking is the world’s fastest-growing crime. And in Wisconsin, it's happening in each of the state’s 72 counties. This spring, Congress passed bipartisan legislation cracking down on bad-actor websites that facilitate these horrific crimes.

  4. 18. 10.

    The difference between Republicans and Democrats on border security could not be starker: → Republicans are funding the wall and are for securing the border. → Democrats want to abolish .

  5. 17. 10.

    ✅ Biggest pay raise for our troops in 9 years. ✅ A fully funded Pentagon. ✅ Unprecedented resources to bolster military readiness. ✅ Reforms ensuring our veterans have access to quality care.

  6. 17. 10.

    Our workers and our economy are .

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  7. 17. 10.

    Skeptics→ The results of tax reform—mere “crumbs.” Reality→ “U.S. workers see biggest pay, benefit increase in 10 years.”

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  8. 17. 10.

    Skeptics→ Tax reform would be “armageddon.” Reality→ Job openings are at all-time high and unemployment is near a 50-year low.

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  9. 17. 10.

    Skeptics→ “Economic confidence is stuck at lower level.” Reality→ Consumer confidence has surged to an 18-year high.

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  10. 17. 10.

    Skeptics→ “Slow economic growth is the new normal.” Reality→ The U.S. economy is now the world’s most competitive economy for the first time in a decade.

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  11. Retweetol používateľ
    17. 10.

    We’ve been tackling the biggest challenges of the day and our work has only just begun. The American people are and they will continue to be with our policies.

  12. 17. 10.

    America’s military is now equipped with the resources needed to address a devastating readiness crisis. 🇺🇸 THEN ← Aging equipment & undertrained troops NOW → A historic defense buildup for a more agile, lethal 21st-century fighting force

  13. 16. 10.

    ✅Wages and benefits are up, growing at their fastest rate in 10 years. ✅Job openings are at a record high. ✅And, the nation’s unemployment rate has just dropped to a 49-year low.

  14. 16. 10.

    America’s economic turnaround continues to defy the skeptics. 🇺🇸 THEN ← “But wages and productivity still lag.” NOW → Wages and benefits are growing at their fastest rate in 10 years, and productivity is rising at its fastest rate in 3 years.

  15. Retweetol používateľ
    31. 7.

    Worker pay and benefits climbing at fastest pace in 10 years, ECI finds

  16. Retweetol používateľ
    5. 10.

    With 8 Years of Job Gains, Unemployment Is Lowest Since 1969

  17. Retweetol používateľ
    16. 10.

    Job openings hit record 7.136 million in August.

  18. 15. 10.

    ISIS-K in Afghanistan is an under-appreciated threat. The United States, the coalition, and our Afghan allies must redouble our efforts to degrade and defeat them.

  19. 15. 10.

    To the men and women who continue to serve our country fighting the war against global terrorism: The entire country stands behind you in our gratitude. Here are 7 photos from my visit to our troops in Afghanistan→

  20. 14. 10.

    Two years ago, set out to build something better. Now, our economy is on the move again. We have the best military in the world. Workers are back on the path of life. And communities are back on the rise.


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