Rep. Richard NealTài khoản được xác nhận


Serving the First Congressional District of Massachusetts in the United States House of Representatives, with 87 cities and towns in western & central MA

Đã tham gia tháng 12 năm 2011


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  1. Today I had a conversation with the regarding the across our state & country. We spoke of the passage of legislation I worked on that will be signed into law today. This is a huge victory and step in the right direction toward curbing this disease.

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  2. Let’s go ! It’s time to and in Boston tonight for Game 1 of the .

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    🚨The Trump Administration has released guidance to unravel protections for people with pre-existing conditions and push Americans into insurance that provides less coverage at a higher cost.🚨 , , and respond:

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    Joined and today in condemning the latest effort by the Trump Administration to unravel protections for 133 million Americans with pre-existing conditions. Democrats will continue to fight to .

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  5. I am proud to stand on the right side of history when it comes to protecting and advancing the rights of the community. Honored to receive a 100 on ’s Congressional Scorecard for my support of LGBTQ equality.

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  6. Thanks to for their continued attention to the importance of east/west including service that goes all the way to . This is another step in the right direction.

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  7. I urge President Trump to work closely with the Turkish government to conduct a full investigation into his reported killing. Saudi Arabia needs to be transparent and immediately answer the global community’s questions about Khashoggi’s disappearance.

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  8. The disappearance of the Washington Post journalist Jamal Kashoggi in Istanbul this week should be of great concern to everyone who believes in the freedom of the press and the First Amendment. Silencing and demonizing reporters is contrary to our fundamental values as Americans.

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  9. Thank you to for awarding me with the “2018 Champion for Healthy Seniors Award.” Our seniors deserve the best care and I am committed to ensuring they receive it.

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  10. Good news for – next year’s will be 2.8%. But with the rising costs seniors face – we need to strengthen Social Security. That’s why I’m fighting to .

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  11. Congratulations to on receiving $2.4 million from the to rehabilitate and convert its 110-year-old fixed-route bus maintenance garage to a facility for paratransit operations and maintenance hub.

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  12. I am thrilled to see this transformation happen as we continue to work on the revitalization of downtown Springfield, making sure every block from the North End’s Union Station to the South End’s MGM Casino is thriving.

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  13. Thanks to & for joining me for my annual Washington Symposium last week. A great opportunity to meet with a bipartisan group of lawmakers and journalists about currents events in Washington.

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    As part of a larger package, the House just passed ’s bill requiring Medicare to cover Opioid Treatment Programs, giving Medicare beneficiaries increased access to a range of medication and behavioral treatment options, leading to more hope for long-term recovery.

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    Ranking Member : "In less than a year, House Republicans have handed out trillions of tax cuts for the wealthy and big corporations. Now, middle-class families are on the hook for higher health care costs, and Medicare & Social Security are on the chopping block."

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    Ranking Member : House Republicans’ “second round of tax cuts for the wealthy will further compromise the future of Medicare and Social Security, depriving seniors of the benefits they’ve earned.”

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  18. Today & I voiced our support for HR 6 - a bipartisan package that includes a provision we negotiated allowing beneficiaries to receive treatment. This epidemic is a growing problem in this specific population

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    Ranking Members from Ways & Means, , and voice support for the newly-released legislative package that aims to combat the opioid crisis. ⬇️

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  20. . was awarded $1.15 million in two grants from the to develop & support curricula for internet technology and advanced photonics. I have worked hard throughout my career to protect these funding sources because I see how they are used right here in our community.

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