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  1. I thank the law enforcement agencies that are working hard to keep everyone safe and bring the perpetrator(s) to justice. I'm grateful that these devices were found before causing harm. And I urge anyone who thinks violence is a means to an end, to think again.

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  2. One of America's greatest strengths is our ability to non-violently engage in debate and political discourse. Terrorizing public figures, the public, or anyone in this country through such violent means is unacceptable. Violent threats and violent actions cannot be tolerated.

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    140,000 to 700,00 hospitalizations every year . . . 12,000 to 56,000 deaths every year. . . 183 pediatric deaths in 2017-2018 season . . . Influenza is a serious upper respiratory illness. The vaccine reduces the chance that you or your loved ones will get the flu.

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  4. 23. Okt.

    Speaking today with Howard County seniors on battling GOP efforts to roll back Social Security, Medicare and protections for preexisting conditions. Also hearing serious concerns about the rising costs for prescription drugs.

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  5. 22. Okt.

    Discrimination is wrong. Period. Our laws must reflect that – not sanction it.

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  6. 22. Okt.

    The Trump Administration's proposal would change the existing definition of "gender" under federal law, effectively erasing discrimination protections for trans people. Unacceptable.

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    "Anyone who would perpetrate blatant violations of human rights and international law should recall that the United States has a number of tools to use to stand up for the values and norms that underscore our common humanity." - , Oct. 11

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    21. Okt.

    .: “The border wall will not stop a caravan from coming into the United States. We have to have sensible immigration laws.”

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  9. 20. Okt.

    Malaika, Lee and Daniel – seniors at Bethesda-Chevy Chase High School – created a Field Guide to Gun Violence in America, brilliantly laying out all the terminology, stats & legislation needed to understand . Truly inspiring work. Thank you all.

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  10. 19. Okt.

    The American people have a right to know when foreign players have made their way into the very inner workings of our election system. Transparency and communication between all levels of government will help keep our future elections free and fair.

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  11. 19. Okt.

    Agreed. We also need to protect our elections from foreign cyberattacks, starting by requiring the disclosure of foreign ownership of our election systems. That's why , and I introduced the Election Systems Integrity Act:

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  12. 19. Okt.

    If you're turned away from your polling place for any reason, don't walk away without voting. Request to cast a provisional ballot. If you experience any problems voting this election cycle, call 1-866-OUR-VOTE for help. Don't let anyone deny your right to vote.

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  13. 19. Okt.

    Maryland: If you need to check on your voter registration status, you can do so here: If you have any questions, get in touch with your local Board of Elections office:

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  14. 18. Okt.

    Pictured: meeting with Administrator Emily Murphy, per a FOIA request. As suspected, the president has been personally interfering with plans for a new consolidated headquarters. My question: what's 's priority? The or the Trump Hotel?

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  15. 18. Okt.

    There's no excuse for these games. The FBI's Hoover Building headquarters is crumbling around them. The priority must be what's best for the and our national security – not the Trump Hotel.

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  16. 17. Okt.

    Millions of teachers, law enforcement officers, first responders, service members and nonprofit workers made critical decisions about their educations & careers based on the Public Service Loan Forgiveness Program. We cannot now fail to honor it. We cannot turn our backs on them.

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  17. 17. Okt.

    The Public Service Loan Forgiveness program is a promise: if you work hard in a public service job for 10 years, you'll benefit your community and receive forgiveness. But hasn't upheld that promise. So I and 150 of my colleagues are demanding answers:

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  18. 17. Okt.

    Last month, a federal report indicated that a staggering 99.6% of borrowers who applied for Public Service Loan Forgiveness were *denied* loan forgiveness by the Department of Education. Completely unacceptable. I've written to demanding answers.

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  19. hat retweetet
    17. Okt.

    So let’s get this straight: Republicans passed a tax law that they claimed would give Americans a $4k raise Instead it expanded the deficit with $2T in tax cuts mostly for corporations & the wealthiest few Now they blame—and want to cut—Medicaid, Medicare & Social Security 🤔

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  20. 16. Okt.

    First, Saudi Arabia issued a complete denial. Now, there's some suggestion that Jamal Khashoggi's death was due to an interrogation gone wrong. These changing stories are not believable.

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