Senate Small BizTài khoản được xác nhận


Senate Committee on Small Business & Entrepreneurship - Majority. Chaired by .

Washington, DC
Đã tham gia tháng 12 năm 2014

Phương tiện

  1. This Pennsylvania is benefiting from .

  2. This North Carolina is benefiting from .

  3. Hiện chuỗi hội thoại này
  4. VIDEO: Chairman delivers opening remarks at hearing.

  5. "About 99% of all businesses are . ... If we want our economy to grow & expand, we have got to make sure that small businesses are treated fairly." on

  6. We asked why is good for . Hear what she had to say:

  7. How will helps ? weighs in: “ are going to let business men & women keep more of their money. This economy is going to roar as a result.”

  8. . on : “If we’re going to create more small businesses, grow jobs, and allow Hoosiers to keep more of what they earn, we need and we need it now.”

  9. Senate Small Biz Committee Rs know what owners NEED is tax relief through . Hear directly from them:

  10. Over 29 million in the US support our local economies every day. Let's support them today and .

  11. TOMORROW: Committee on will hear from about hurricane response/recovery efforts. Tune in at 3pm:

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