Senator Ben CardinConta verificada


U.S. Senator for Maryland. . Small Business, Foreign Relations, Enviro, Finance committees.

Maryland, USA
Participa desde janeiro de 2010


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  1. 20 horas atrás

    Pictured: meeting with Administrator Emily Murphy, per a FOIA request. As suspected, the president has been personally interfering with plans for a new consolidated headquarters. My question: what's 's priority? The or the Trump Hotel?

  2. 20 horas atrás

    There's no excuse for these games. The FBI's Hoover Building headquarters is crumbling around them. The priority must be what's best for the and our national security – not the Trump Hotel.

  3. 17 de out

    Millions of teachers, law enforcement officers, first responders, service members and nonprofit workers made critical decisions about their educations & careers based on the Public Service Loan Forgiveness Program. We cannot now fail to honor it. We cannot turn our backs on them.

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  4. 17 de out

    The Public Service Loan Forgiveness program is a promise: if you work hard in a public service job for 10 years, you'll benefit your community and receive forgiveness. But hasn't upheld that promise. So I and 150 of my colleagues are demanding answers:

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  5. 17 de out

    Last month, a federal report indicated that a staggering 99.6% of borrowers who applied for Public Service Loan Forgiveness were *denied* loan forgiveness by the Department of Education. Completely unacceptable. I've written to demanding answers.

  6. retweetou
    17 de out

    So let’s get this straight: Republicans passed a tax law that they claimed would give Americans a $4k raise Instead it expanded the deficit with $2T in tax cuts mostly for corporations & the wealthiest few Now they blame—and want to cut—Medicaid, Medicare & Social Security 🤔

  7. 16 de out

    First, Saudi Arabia issued a complete denial. Now, there's some suggestion that Jamal Khashoggi's death was due to an interrogation gone wrong. These changing stories are not believable.

  8. retweetou
    16 de out

    . on if Secretary should attend Saudi conference: "He should not be participating."

  9. retweetou
    16 de out

    . points to rise in nationalism and xenophobia around the world. says new facility here in East Baltimore stands in face of that, and “will help build a stronger community.”

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  10. 16 de out

    Maryland: today's the day. It's the *last day* you can register to vote before the midterm elections. Democracy has no autopilot feature. It's driven by those who show up. Make sure you're there on November 6 – register to now:

  11. 15 de out

    More than half a million of my fellow Marylanders identify as Hispanic or Latino, and they are living proof that America's strength is in our diversity. This , I have been proud to celebrate that diversity with them.

  12. 15 de out

    Speaking with Maryland seniors this morning about the issues that matter most to them. Hearing serious concerns about the future of Medicare and Social Security, as well as protections for pre-existing conditions, clean water and the Chesapeake Bay.

  13. 14 de out

    Before 2016, people often told me they didn't because they didn't think it would make a difference. I don't hear anyone saying that today. 2016 proved voting matters. And in Maryland, the deadline to register is this Tuesday, October 16. Don't wait:

  14. 14 de out

    Maryland: this Tuesday, October 16, is the last day to register to before the midterm elections. We can't afford to sit this one out. You can register online, here: Or go in person to your local Board of Elections office:

  15. 12 de out

    If the men who have now been identified publicly are found to be complicit in a crime against Jamal Khashoggi, sanctions can be applied to them and, importantly, to any higher-ups in Saudi Arabia who directed their actions.

  16. 12 de out

    I was proud to join in honoring one of Maryland's greatest public servants, and prouder still that this honor earned the unanimous, bipartisan support of the entire U.S. Senate. A real testament to Joe's legacy. He will be sorely missed.

  17. retweetou
    11 de out

    From Maryland : We need to pursue justice for Jamal Khashoggi

  18. retweetou
    11 de out
  19. 11 de out

    The Trump Admin's efforts to expand the use of these plans is expected to increase costs for everyone else, and is utterly bankrupt of all sense and morality. Yesterday's vote was a tremendous disappointment. But I'm going to keep fighting. I know you will, too.

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  20. 11 de out

    Under these junk health care plans, insurers can deny coverage to people with and refuse to provide health care services required under the Affordable Care Act – including refusing to cover prescription drugs, maternity care, and emergency room visits.

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