Rep. Jim JordanOnaylanmış hesap


Proudly serving Ohio's beautiful fourth district.

Washington, D.C.
Aralık 2008 tarihinde katıldı


  1. 26 Eyl

    Yesterday we offered amendments to the House Rules Committee to build the border security wall and

  2. 10 Eyl

    At the same time that Kris Paronto, Ty Woods, and Glenn Daugherty were fighting for their lives in Benghazi, Clinton and State Dept were spinning a narrative blaming the attack on a video. This must be the “wild conspiracy” that was talking about. 10:08 9/11/12:

  3. 7 Eyl

    The key players at the FBI and the DOJ knew about the Ohrs' involvement in the Dossier. They knew the Clinton campaign paid for it. They knew Steele was extremely biased against Trump. They didn't tell the Court any of this.

  4. 6 Eyl

    We’re calling on President Trump to declassify the Carter Page FISA applications and other key documents. It’s time for the American people to get the full story.

  5. 12 Tem

    How did the FBI get the Dossier? Did they get it from Bruce Ohr, whose wife works for Fusion GPS?

  6. 28 Haz

    Mr. Rosenstein, why are you keeping information from Congress?

  7. 28 Haz
  8. 26 Haz

    When you or I go to court, we have to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. The FBI did not do that when they took the salacious Steele dossier to the secret FISA Court. The DOJ needs to give us answers.

  9. 26 Haz

    Judiciary Committee is now working on my and resolution for the Sense of the Congress that the DOJ should turn over all documents to Congress.

  10. 25 Haz

    On July 31st 2016, Peter Strzok opened the Russia investigation. 8 days later, he texted "We'll stop [Trump.]" It's one thing to say "Trump's awful," but it's another thing to say "We will stop him." How could bias not have impacted Strzok's decisions?

  11. 21 Haz

    We've seen many encroachments on our liberties from the government. Let's shield reporters from having their First Amendment Freedom of the Press violated. Prosecute leakers with the full force of the law, but don't go after reporters for doing their job.

  12. 19 Haz

    6 of the top FBI brass have been fired, demoted, or reassigned following their involvement in both the Clinton and Russia investigations. Peter Strzok is the only one still employed by the FBI. I have never seen anything like this at a federal agency.

  13. 19 Haz

    When the salacious Steele dossier was taken to the secret FISA Court, the FBI didn't tell the court two key facts: who paid for it (the DNC,) and the fact that Steele had been fired by the FBI. Thankfully, the IG will be looking into these FISA abuses.

  14. 19 Haz

    We got to see many Strzok-Page texts over the past several months. We didn't get to see the most important one: "We'll stop [Trump.]" Why did Mr. Rosenstein keep that text from us?

  15. 19 Haz

    Does Peter Strzok hate the President? IG Horowitz: "His text messages would certainly give that as the implication."

  16. 14 Haz

    The says “we did not have confidence that Strzok’s decision [to prioritize the Russia investigation over the email investigation] was free from bias.” That’s as strong as it gets in IG speak.

  17. 14 Haz
  18. 14 Haz

    The makes it overwhelmingly clear that the FBI top brass was obsessed with the media. Maybe if they didn’t have more than a dozen individuals contacting a single reporter, they would have actually run a real investigation.

  19. 14 Haz

    The FBI didn’t want Trump to be President. Peter Stzrok’s text says “we’ll stop it.” The day after the election, FBI Attorney #2 said he was “stressed about what I could have done differently.” 2 weeks later he said “Viva le resistance. This is as wrong as it gets.

  20. 7 Haz

    Happy birthday to my good friend, Pence!

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