Rep. Rob Wittmanحساب موثّق


proud husband, father, grandfather; representing VA's 1st District; Seapower and Projection Forces Subcommittee Chair; advocate of sportsman-led conservation

Montross, VA
انضم في يوليو ٢٠٠٨


  1. ٢٦ أكتوبر

    Talking workforce development, CTE & STEM w/

  2. ٢٤ أكتوبر

    Enjoyed my conversation w/ today. Lots of discussion on sustaining current economic growth. Critical elements to a thriving Virginia economy: -Workforce development -Broadband expansion -A healthy defense industrial base

  3. ٢٢ أكتوبر

    Enjoyed talking with folks at this morning’s CTE symposium. CTE & STEM programs are a critical way to connect businesses and schools so students have the skills they need to succeed.

  4. ٣ أكتوبر

    I couldn’t think of a better place to present the tribes with a signed copy the Thomasina E. Jordan Indian Tribes of Virginia Federal Recognition Act.

    عرض هذه السلسلة
  5. ٣ أكتوبر

    Joined at Werowocomoco today to celebrate the long-overdue federal recognition for the Chickahominy, Eastern Chickahominy, Monacan, Nansemond, Rappahannock, and Upper Mattaponi tribes.

    عرض هذه السلسلة
  6. ١٧ سبتمبر

    "To form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity..." Happy !

  7. ١١ سبتمبر

    "Terrorist attacks can shake the foundations of our biggest buildings, but they cannot touch the foundation of America. These acts shatter steel, but they cannot dent the steel of American resolve." -- President Bush

    عرض هذه السلسلة
  8. ١٠ سبتمبر

    Today is World Suicide Prevention Day. Reach out to your loved ones. Check in on your friends. Know the signs. For anyone out there who is struggling—there is help. The National Suicide Hotline is 1-800-273-8255

  9. ٦ سبتمبر

    Honored to receive the Hero of Main Street Award from the National Retail Federation. I’ll always stand with and fight for the small businesses in

  10. ٢١ أغسطس

    Great time w/ this afternoon. Supporting the shipbuilding industry is critical to reaching a Navy.

  11. ١٥ أغسطس
  12. ١٥ أغسطس

    Fantastic to see a copy of the Keep America's Refuges Operational Act up at Rappahannock River Valley NWR! Small way to say thanks to all of the volunteers who keep our refuges up and running.

  13. ١٣ أغسطس

    Fantastic time celebrating the passage of the Keep America’s Refuges Operational Act at Rappahannock River Valley NWR! Volunteers are critical to ensuring folks can enjoy our nation’s refuges for generations to come.

  14. ١ أغسطس

    Honored to be featured in this month's Magazine. I’ll never stop working with and for our nation’s heroes!

  15. ٢٥ يوليو

    Tune into the floor tonight. and I will be discussing CRs impact on military readiness. Time to get defense appropriations done.

  16. ٢٤ يوليو

    From . This is exactly why we need to stay in town and get appropriations done. This govern-by-crisis mentality can’t continue.

  17. ٢٤ يوليو

    Speaking w/ about our nation’s need for 38 amphibious ships to support the Marine Corps’ core expeditionary mission. The conference report I signed last night authorized the funding to keep us on track for 38.

  18. ١٣ يوليو

    Honored to receive the Transparency and Accountability Democracy Award from the this morning!

  19. ١١ يوليو

    ✔ Higher wages, record job creation, historically low unemployment ✔ A stronger, more capable military ✔ Safer communities Results are in and Americans are

  20. ١١ يوليو

    Keeping our promises. Rebuilding our military. Growing our economy. Americans are !

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