House Armed ServicesПідтверджений профіль


Oversight and funding of the Department of Defense, the United States Armed Forces, and portions of the Department of Energy. Ranking member:

Washington, DC
Дата приєднання: вересень 2009


  1. 26 жовт.

    "Dialogue with Russia is needed, but has continued to demonstrate his disturbing affinity toward President Putin, including his continued denial of Russia’s meddling in our 2016 elections and his failure to devote sufficient resources to secure our elections ..."

  2. 26 жовт.

    "What happened in Helsinki cannot be repeated. I am very concerned that a visit to DC could produce another embarrassing spectacle in which attempts to reorient our policies toward Russia in ways that undermine U.S. national security ...":

  3. 26 жовт.
  4. 24 жовт.

    INF & New START? "As our allies and partners have discussed, one of President Putin’s goals in undermining the INF Treaty is to goad us into such an action. That would benefit Russia and weaken deterrence by sowing discord among our allies and partners."

  5. 24 жовт.

    . and Warn Against Exit from the INF & New START Treaties: “It Would Divide Our Allies and Play Directly Into President Putin’s Hands.” READ DOCUMENT HERE: ()

  6. 17 жовт.

    "It is reprehensible that two years after the 2016 elections, President Trump and Republicans in Congress have failed to tackle Russian election interference with any credibility.”

  7. 18 вер.
  8. 12 вер.

    "I am opposed to President Trump’s proposal for a ‘Space Force.’" -- statement: ()

  9. 11 вер.

    Now is not the time to increase nuclear safety risk by making cuts to the experts whose primary mission is to provide independent nuclear safety oversight.

  10. 11 вер.


  11. 11 вер.

    "Today, we pause to remember the sacrifice and heroism of those who lost their lives on September 11, 2001. They and their deeds will never be forgotten. We must continue to fight to uphold the freedoms and values that they held dear." --

  12. 6 вер.
  13. 6 вер.

    BREAKING: & key OPPOSE TRUMP PLAN TO SPEND MILITARY READINESS AND INFRASTRUCTURE FUNDS ON BORDER WALL ---> President Trump should not be taking away money from our troops and spending it on his wall: ()

  14. 26 серп.

    "His fight for the people of the United States throughout his entire career, in uniform and out, set an example of fortitude and commitment for all of us. I extend my profound condolences to his family, friends, and everyone that his life has affected."

  15. 14 серп.
  16. 10 серп.

    . statement on 'Space Force' proposal and politicization of the military:

  17. 9 серп.

    Statement on Space Force report by the heads of the HASC Strategic Forces Subcommittee and :

  18. 24 лип.

    National security Ranking Members push for Cabinet-level briefing on private Trump-Putin meeting:

  19. 23 лип.

    "This is about America; this is about all of us ... it's about whether or not we're going to have free and fair elections, that are free of foreign interference from Russia. We ought to be united on that." on

  20. 17 лип.

    .: "I know it's incredibly comforting from a policy perspective to blame absolutely everything that’s gone wrong in the world on President Obama, but he’s not in charge anymore. Donald Trump is in charge. The Republican Party is in charge of the House & the Senate.."

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