Congressman Tom RiceПотврђен налог


Former CPA and tax lawyer. Proudly representing South Carolina's 7th Congressional District. Find me on FB at .

Придружио/ла се јануар 2013.


  1. 26. окт

    Our team got to be a part of something pretty special yesterday... welcoming members of the S.C. Air National Guard back from a three month deployment overseas!! We were honored to show our support and thank them and their families for their service and sacrifice!

  2. 23. окт

    Fiscal irresponsibility has become the status quo in DC, and it’s past time for us to take action to rein in our reckless spending habits. . asked his Cabinet Members to reduce their budgets by 5% and today I asked . & . to follow his lead.

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  3. 18. окт

    Had the opportunity to tour Lighthouse Behavioral Health this morning to learn more about the critical services they provide to people in our community.

  4. 16. окт

    Stirring up some chicken bog to serve to Hurricane Florence victims today!

  5. 16. окт

    Met with Dillon County and Marlboro County officials yesterday to discuss their needs in the aftermath of Hurricane Florence and how we can improve on our preparedness efforts.

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  6. 15. окт

    Great meeting with President Ed Bethea to discuss workforce development and how we can bridge the skills gap!

  7. 12. окт

    ., . & I visited with folks in Socastee who were impacted by . We also met with local leaders to talk about recovery initiatives and next steps. Our next stop is Marion County, where we will tour more neighborhoods that were damaged.

  8. 12. окт

    It’s ! We wouldn’t have food on our tables or clothes on our backs without our farmers, and has some of the very best! Make sure you today. 🌾🌾

  9. 9. окт

    Loaded up with cleaning supplies to donate across the district to help folks clean up after Florence. We are here to help in any way we can!

  10. 6. окт

    My full statement on Judge Kavanaugh’s confirmation today:

  11. 5. окт

    The last time unemployment was this low, I was just a few years older than I was in this picture⬇️

  12. 2. окт

    And they said it couldn’t be done! My full statement on the ⬇️

  13. 25. сеп

    Hurricane Florence has devastated communities along the Carolina coast, and thousands of my constituents are bracing for another round of catastrophic flooding this week.

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  14. 25. сеп

    I wrote a letter to Governor urging him to amend his application to the federal government for disaster relief from Hurricane Florence to include immediate funding for I-73 as an adequate evacuation route.

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  15. 21. сеп

    Filling sandbags for our neighbors in need!

  16. 20. сеп

    While parts of our community are beginning to recover from Florence, many others are still expecting severe flooding over the next few days. To help prepare, I’m visiting shelters to distribute supplies and spend time with evacuees, volunteers and first responders.

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  17. 19. сеп

    President was on the ground today in Conway to survey damage from ! I updated him on disaster recovery efforts and joined him in thanking our first responders. We are so grateful for his leadership and support in !

  18. 18. сеп

    Proud of our resilient agriculture community in . We will continue to assess damage as we begin the recovery process.

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  19. 18. сеп

    Now at Perdue farms in Dillon with local farmers to check out damage to cotton crops.

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  20. 18. сеп

    Cheraw got over 22 inches of rain... this is the view over the bridge.

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