US Rep Brendan BoyleПотврђен налог


Congressman from Pennsylvania. Proudly representing Philadelphia and Montco. Notre Dame & Harvard alum. Husband, dad and eternally hopeful Philly sports fan.

Philadelphia and Washington
Придружио/ла се децембар 2010.
Датум рођења: 06. фебруар


  1. 24. окт

    This election is going to be close. Many of the races around the country will come down to 1 or 2 points. Check your registration status, find your polling location and commit to vote at

  2. 13. окт

    Not saying they don’t exist, but I’ve never been to a more beautiful campus.

  3. 28. авг

    Great to see in Philly at the fundraiser. In case you’re wondering, John is the one on the right. We often get confused.

  4. 25. авг

    Happy to celebrate Ukranian Independence Day with many friends at the Ukranian Cultural Center.

  5. 24. авг

    Enjoyed speaking to the last night at their great event. A lot of energy in the room for electing more Democrats this November.

  6. 6. авг

    The American people know that 83% of the went to the wealthiest 1%. Donald Trump and his fellow Republicans are concerned about the GOP donor class, while I'm fighting alongside congressional Democrats for working families!

  7. 5. авг

    Happy Birthday ⁦⁩ Boy do we miss you!

  8. 2. авг

    One of the most inspiring meetings I’ve ever had occurred by accident. I ran into ⁦⁩ in a Capitol hallway while I was walking to a meeting. I got the chance to tell him thank you for what he’s doing and just how much he inspires me. He’s a hero.

  9. 17. јун

    Feel very grateful to both have my dad and be a dad. I hope I’m as good a father to Abby as my Dad has been for me. Happy to all fellow dads out there.

  10. 16. јун
  11. 5. јун

    Glad to partner with my brother and talk about our bills to make it easier for people to vote.

  12. 2. јун

    I love this beautiful photo of Philadelphia.

  13. 22. мај

    Honored to be invited today to address over 650 members of the union. The best way to rebuild the middle class in America is by supporting the men and women of organized labor.

  14. 18. мај

    Thank you voters of Philadelphia!!

  15. 16. мај

    My favorite part of today? Has to be when my daughter rushed the stage to give me an impromptu hug.

  16. 15. мај

    Enjoying campaigning today and meeting new friends!

  17. 12. мај

    Was proud to stand with over 75 members of organized labor, elected officials and community leaders for a GOTV rally and canvass this morning. It's an honor to support our friends in organized labor as we work toward Election Day on Tuesday!

  18. 11. мај

    I enjoyed meeting with human rights activist and actress and discussing ways we can help those brave Iranians who are protesting their repressive regime. (Also congrats on being invited to give a lecture at on your great advocacy work!)

  19. 11. мај

    My favorite ballerina has her first recital tomorrow

  20. 27. апр

    Always enjoy talking politics and movies with my friend (and we both miss )

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