Rep Cedric RichmondVerifizierter Account


Representing the 2nd Congressional District of Louisiana and the Who Dat Nation. Chairman. Instagram:

Beigetreten März 2011


  1. 25. Okt.

    In light of homecoming this weekend, I’d like to share a of me speaking at my alma mater . Wishing my fellow ‘House grads a safe and enjoyable homecoming season.

  2. 6. Sep.

    I enjoyed speaking to today! Thank you for your work supporting businesses.

  3. 28. Aug.

    I’m hosting my 8th Annual Small Business Expo this Thursday at . Be sure to register today to attend by going to . We look forward to seeing you there!

  4. 28. Mai

    With a grateful heart we thank those who served and continue to serve. We honor the lives of those who paid the ultimate sacrifice

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  5. 25. Apr.

    And young black boys are not the only ones suffering from the disproportionate disciplinary action in schools. Young black girls are suspended and expelled at the highest percentages among both sexes and all racial groups.

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  6. 25. Apr.

    In 2015, I took to the House floor to debate my Youth Empowerment Strategy which would give students the opportunities they need to be successful.

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  7. 12. Apr.
  8. 10. Apr.

    It’s time for women to get . No woman should have to work an extra 18 to 30 years to make what a man makes.

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  9. 10. Apr.

    Did you know that a black woman in Louisiana will have work until she is 104 years old to earn what a man will earn by the time he is 60 years old? Stats:

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  10. 10. Apr.

    . reports that women throughout the U.S. earn 20% less than men and the numbers only get worse as you look at different ethnic groups.

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  11. 10. Apr.

    is a day that should not exist in our society. Women work just as hard as men, if not harder, and they need to be paid .

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  12. 1. Apr.
  13. 30. März

    New Orleans Mayor-elect will become the first woman to hold the position when she is sworn in on May 7th.

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  14. 29. März

    Irma Thomas, known as the “Soul Queen of New Orleans” is a local cultural icon and won her first Grammy in 2007.

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  15. 20. März

    Oretha Castle Haley is a well-known activist and civil rights icon within Louisiana. When she and 3 other activists were arrested in 1960, it resulted in an case that overturned an earlier ruling that attempted to ban sit-ins.

  16. 16. März

    I honored Mrs. Leah Chase in 2015 on the House floor for her continued dedication to civil rights and the city of New Orleans.

  17. 14. März

    St. Katharine Drexel was extremely saddened by the educational disparities within the Native American and African-American communities so much that she devoted her time and personal resources to educating communities of color.

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  18. 13. März

    . was the first black child to integrate an all-white school in the South. As a six-year-old, she showed remarkable bravery and continues to champion for racial equality today.

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  19. 12. März

    With Krewes such as and in existence, it is hard to believe that women were once excluded from a number of Mardi Gras festivities. The Krewe of Venus led the way for all-female krewes when they debuted in 1941.

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  20. 8. März

    Happy ! Who are the women in your life that inspire you?

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